Renovations for Shooting Ranges Announced

COLUMBUS, OH - Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Director James Zehringer and ODNR Division of Wildlife Chief Scott Zody announced that the department will be renovating firearms and archery shooting ranges across the state. Zehringer and Zody discussed the planned improvements during a recent tour of the Spring Valley Shooting Range in Waynesville.

These improvement efforts have already started at the Delaware Shooting Range located in the Delaware Wildlife Area east of U.S. Route 23. This Class A public range will receive much needed renovations, improvements and additions. The improvements will include 90 shooting positions, a significant increase from the existing range’s 16 positions. The initial development of this project includes preparation of the site and removal of trees, which will begin in the coming months. New construction will begin this spring, and the reconstructed range is expected to be open by summer 2016.

New facilities at the Delaware Shooting Range will include:

  • Four hand trap fields
  • 30 shooting positions at 100-yard range
  • 36 positons at 50-foot pistol range
  • 24 positions at 25-yard range
  • 20 positions at the 90-meter archery range
  • 14 position 3-D archery walkthrough course with elevated shooting positions
  • Men’s and women’s restrooms
  • Range master building with video surveillance and intercom

The education and training center at the Delaware Shooting Range will feature an indoor archery/air gun range, classroom amenities, kitchenette, storage space, office space, climate control and have a building capacity for 92 people.

Development and construction of the range has been designed to have minimal impact on the existing shooting range. Once construction begins, the existing Delaware range will remain open under normal guidelines.

Preliminary design work at the Spring Valley Range, located in the Spring Valley Wildlife Area, should begin after July 1. Some of the improvements include the current entrance being closed and relocated, and the trap range shooting line will be renovated for improved operation. A new indoor archery training and hunter education building will be constructed, and the range and buildings will be designed for federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance.

Other improvements for the Spring Valley Shooting Range include:

  • New 90-meter static archery range
  • Updated walk-through 3-D archery course
  • Automated trap throwers on the shotgun range
  • Reconstructed and redesigned backstops
  • An extended shooting line on the rifle/pistol range to provide additional shooting opportunity
  • Parking lot redesign
  • Correction of drainage issues

Funding for these projects comes directly from the Wildlife Restoration Act excise taxes collected from the sale of firearms and ammunitions, as well as the sale of Ohio hunting licenses.

ODNR’s long-term goal is to renovate all five of the Class A ranges in the state.

ODNR ensures a balance between wise use and protection of our natural resources for the benefit of all. Visit the ODNR website at

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