Dayton Daily News publishes two more CCW-related letters to the editor

The Dayton Daily News has printed two more letters to the editor debating the merits of concealed carry reform. And unless there are two "Jaime Pacheco"'s in the Dayton area, the anti-CCW letter comes from none other than Wright State University Medical Department's Associate Professor, Chief, Hematology/Oncology, Veterans Affairs Medical Center.

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Officials should change focus

It never ceases to amaze me that our elected officials, with many pressing items that could benefit the commonwealth of the state, focus their efforts on polishing legislation that will allow us to pack a gun when going out.

Our roads are in disrepair, bridges are crumbling, and unemployment is at a record high. Tuition at the state colleges is going up, but the quality of the education is not. Rivers are polluted, and the quality of our air is so damaging that Eastern states would like to fine us, to compensate for the acid rain we send them.

These are some of the opportunities that our politicians ignore. But, over and over again, their energy is spent trying to pass legislation that the majority doesn't want: the "privilege" of carrying a gun.

How are all those law-abiding citizens who carry a concealed firearm going to benefit our communities?

Is the risk of gun injury, accidental or intentional, going to decrease with this legislation? How many people will end up in the emergency room, or in a funeral home, because easy access to a gun will terminate what otherwise would have been a minor argument?

The bill on concealed firearms has to be stopped.

Paranoid fears of a criminal attack don't justify having a private arsenal. The treatment for anxiety is medication, not a gun in someone's purse or under someone's arm.

Jaime Pacheco

Thanks, but we think your letter reveals quite clearly which side is operating on fear and paranoia, Professor Pacheco. And you can keep your mood altering drugs for your liberal friends and collegues.

Not all physicians have come under the spell of the anti-Constitutionalists. Those Ohioans fighting battles against a misinformed medical (and/or "higher learning") communities would do well to consider the words of Dr. Timothy M. Billups, MD, FACEP, who submitted written testimony in support of HB12. Billups is a "residency trained, Board Certified Emergency Medicine physician" with "nine years of clinical experience in several Emergency Departments in the Cleveland and Akron areas".

Also, check out Letter to the Editor: Anti-gun doctor fails to see larger picture.

And for an even greater resource, check out Doctors for Sensible Gun Laws which a collaborative effort by members of

And now, for a letter from the good guys ( also from the pages of Monday's Dayton Daily News):

Actions louder than words

The letter "More guns mean more risks," July 21, claimed that an Ohio concealed-weapons law wouldn't make honest people any safer, even though every hardened criminal in Ohio is already illegally carrying a concealed weapon.

Gun-control lobbyists claim that increasing the number of guns in the hands of honest people will do more harm than good.

The actions of gun-control lobbyists directly contradict their words. For example, Sarah Brady's son, Scott, was not subject to the Brady criminal background check because his mother bought the gun for him.

Brady bragged about the incident in her book A Good Fight. She wrote "And I can't describe how I felt when I picked up that rifle, loaded it into my little car, and drove home. It seemed so incredibly strange: Sarah Brady, of all people, packing heat."

If guns really did more harm than good, then gun-control lobbyists would stop buying guns for their own children, wouldn't they?

Rex Tincher

Click here to read the letter in the Dayton Daily News.

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