To the Editor: Why will I vote for and support Representative Dr. Terry Johnson?

Editor's Note: The following letter to the editor of The People's Defender in West Union, as well as the editor of The Ironton Tribune, was submitted by long-time Buckeye Firearms Assoc. Region Leader Rick Jones. Dr. Johnson is the primary sponsor of HB495 (Reciprocity & Concealed Carry Modernization).

To the Editor:

Why will I vote for and support Representative Dr. Terry Johnson?

Because he has "earned" it! A true patriot and warrior who fights daily to protect our constitutional rights and freedoms from those who desire to restrict or take them away. A representative who believes in the old phrase of "truth, justice, and the American way." Representative Johnson will speak the truth, like it or not, and justice for those who are innocent or who have violated the laws of the land, and the American way of hard work, high standards, high morals, and doing what is right for all of the citizens he represents. Whether you are a Democrat, Republican, Tea Party or an Independent, Representative Johnson has dedicated himself to representing each and everyone with the same amount of dedication he displays every day.

One has to look to the past to help view the future and Representative Dr. Terry Johnson has shown me what he has done in his past and it has told me what he can do in the future. His public service of being a physician, his military career, his office of Scioto County Coroner and now holder of the office of Representative of the Ohio 90th House of Representative proves to me his concern and caring of the people he now represents.

These are the reasons I've decided to vote for and support Representative Dr. Terry Johnson for the Ohio House of Representatives of the 90th District.

Rick Jones


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