Romney/Ryan campaign packs West Chester, OH with more than 30,000 supporters

by Jim Irvine

Ohio is a battleground state and both Mitt Romney and Barack Obama are spending significant time here. On Friday night, Buckeye Firearms Association leaders were on hand as Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan were in West Chester, north of Cincinnati. The event was kicked off by Kid Rock.

Over 30,000 people cleared security for the event. Thousands more waited outside as there was no more room inside the event. Listeners got to hear speeches from pro-gun governors Bobby Jindal and Rick Perry. They heard from Josh Mandel, Mary Taylor and Governor Kasich. Even John McCain and Rudy Giuliani gave good speeches. The state was packed by many more leaders all showing support for the Romney/Ryan ticket.

This is Speaker John Boehner's congressional district and Margie Conditt's Ohio House district. Every four years they hold a large rally for the GOP presidential candidate. Those who have attended multiple events say this one tops them all. More excitement, more important, more energy and more people. Lots more.

People came early and waited for hours to get good spots. Many were from neighboring communities and some drove for hours to attend. There were people of all ages and backgrounds in attendance. Some attend every year, but for many it was their first time. Some back Romney because of his business success, others for his promise to repeal Obamacare. For some the issues are national security and the administration's incompetence or worse in dealing with the terrorist attacks and death of our Ambassador and others in Benghazi, Libya. Some are fearful of what Obama would do with Second Amendment issues in a second term. But all are frustrated with the broken promises and failed policies of the last four years.

While Obama supporters were chanting "Four more years," people at this rally were shouting, "Four more days!"

The presidential election is much different than four years ago. This time Romney has the energy and excitement that Obama enjoyed. The event in West Chester was one of the biggest of the political season. The event was impressive enough that the Romney campaign quickly used video from it to create a commercial:

In an election that is likely to be determined by voter turnout, it is critical that you not only vote, but make sure others get out and vote too. There are only a few more hours until this election season is over. Finish strong.

Jim Irvine is the Buckeye Firearms Association Chairman, and recipient of the NRA-ILA's 2011 "Jay M. Littlefield Volunteer of the Year Award" and the CCRKBA's 2012 "Gun Rights Defender of the Year Award."

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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.