Victims of violence on state-mandated ''no-guns'' campus offered free assistance

The (OSU) Lantern is reporting that the college has instituted a program to give aid to students who are victims of violence on an around the OSU campus. Judging by the story, the problem is bigger than you'll ever find in a university recruitment flyer.

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From the story:

    Two years ago Anna Jencson, a senior in sociology, was walking past Independence Hall with her boyfriend when two men approached them and put a gun to her boyfriend's back. The men took them into an alley and demanded they empty their pockets, which only contained an empty wallet and their two cell phones.

    Jencson said one of the men did not believe that was all they had, so he took them to a stairwell behind Townshend Hall and demanded they take off their clothes to prove it. Jencson said she refused, crying hysterically and fearing for her safety.

    The man without the gun then convinced the other man to let Jencson and her boyfriend go after realizing they really did not have anything of value on them, she said.

    This scene still haunts Jencson from time to time.

    "For a while I was very nervous when people would walk by me late at night," Jencson said. "I still don't go out by myself."

    Jencson said things occasionally will set her off, rekindling her paranoia and fear.

The article goes on to list other examples of students struggling with fallout of having been caught defenseless when attacked:

    Ryan Eilbeck, a junior in English pre-education said he was victimized Nov. 12 when his house was broken into. Two laptops, a book of CDs, two cameras and his bike were taken.

    While he said the whole incident was not particularly surprising because of where he and his roommate live, Eilbeck said his life has changed slightly.

    "We were definitely uneasy in our house for the next couple of days," Eilbeck said. "We were reluctant to leave and we jammed boards in the windows so no one could get in from the outside."

According to the story, assistance has been set up to include free counseling sessions. A spokesperson at the Counseling and Consultation Services at the Younkin Success Center is quoted as saying it has conducted "a number of group sessions that could be helpful for students that have been a victim of crime", and that examples of these "could include group therapy sessions dealing with post traumatic stress disorder or adjustment issues, or a survivor group for survivors of sexual, physical or mental abuse."

Free group sessions for victims of violence? Just how much of a problem do they have on college campuses?

The story says that the Student Advocacy Center is there to help students who have been victimized, and can help replace things that have been stolen, like books, if the student is unable to purchase them. And if alternate housing is needed because a student is concerned with his or her safety, "the SAC will help connect the student with landlords or emergency temporary housing."

Having made the mistake of listening to gun ban extremists whose predictions have, of course, failed to come to pass, Ohio legislators allowed the creation of many victim zones across the state of Ohio.

If a student is eligible for and has acquired a concealed handgun license, this story proves there is absolutely NO reason to take away their right to self-defense just because they walk onto a college campus.

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