
Is anti-gun Brady Campaign's DeWine endorsement MEANT to help him lose?

By Chad D. Baus (UPDATE: This commentary has been published at ) Since national politics are filled with conspiracy theories these days, I would like to offer up one more theory for them to chew on: Republican Senator Mike DeWine was given an endorsement by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence (formerly Handgun Control Inc.) out of a desire for gun controllers to see him lose on...

Op-Ed: There Is No Such Thing As An Illegal Gun, Part II: Dead Mouse

This the second of a three part series to be featured at By John Longenecker In Part I , I answered Jeri Bonavia who represents Wisconsin’s Anti-Violence Effort. Ms. Bonavia’s agency characterizes Congressman Sensenbrenner’s [R-fifth] reasonable questioning of gun data usefulness as handcuffing Mayors and Cops. In Part II, I include a selected excerpt from The Case For...

Meet the 2006 Buckeye Firearms Association endorsees

This year, Buckeye Firearms has profiled some of our endorsed candidates. We want you to understand who they are and why they are important to our efforts to restore our rights. They are as much a part of the “team” as any of us, for without their support, we could not have come this far. With your help, we will work with them in the future as we continue our quest to protect and preserve your...

And They Ask Me Why I Carry? Part II

By Linda Walker In Part I , which was inspired by the occasion of September being “Realtor Safety Month”, I offered commentary which revolved around the fact that as real estate agents, we are never given information about concealed carry being a viable option in our self protection. Instead, we are taught useless self defense tactics that may give someone a false sense of security. I received...

Mr. Speaker – Mr. Sportsman

By Larry S. Moore The Delaware Republican Party recently held their much-anticipated annual John Wayne Shoot. The special guest this year was Ohio House Speaker Jon Husted (R-Kettering). While the weather forecast was questionable, the skies did clear so the shoot could be held without rain. Republican candidates and supporters from across Ohio packed the lounge area at Blackwing Shooting Center...

Op-Ed: Massacre at Nickel Mines: Legislation no solution

October 4, 2006 Pittsburg Tribune-Review The horrendous execution of Amish schoolgirls in Lancaster County, Pa., will embolden handgun-control advocates to seek passage of stricter gun-control measures. And they would solve nothing. Charles Carl Roberts IV, 32, described as an affable milk-truck driver, delivered carnage to the West Nickel Mines Amish School on Monday. He was armed with three...

Op-Ed: In The United States, There Is No Such Thing As An Illegal Gun

This the first of a three part series to be featured at By John Longenecker I think we need to get on this. Think about it for a minute. Guns in America are a civil right. Stopping guns everywhere makes about as much moral sense as punishing the Los Angeles Times just because some people defame others, falsely advertise, commit mail fraud or lie under oath. Is the Second...

Idaho town: Proposed ordinance asks each household to have a firearm

Last week, Boise's Fox 12 reported that a small Idaho town is contemplating an idea similar to Kennesaw, GA's successful 1980's crime-prevention technique. It's called the Civil Emergencies Ordinance, and if city council member Steve Jett has his way, each head of household that can legally own a gun, will. Along with that they're encouraged to have ammunition and appropriate training. "I think...

Pro-Gun Punditry: Wednesday's Buckeye State Roundabout

By Chris Chumita There are more stories pertaining to our gun rights in Ohio then we can possibly draw attention to with individual daily commentary. But they are worthy of mention. What follows is our review of headlines from around the state though a pro-gun rights lens. From "Cops Gone Wild" to an NRA victory, these articles should be a part of your required reading! Click on the "Read More...

The uncomfortable truth about school shootings

Commentary updated Oct. 5, 5:00 p.m.: MSNBC Live Vote: Should teachers be armed? By Ken Hanson In a rare moment of straighforwardness, Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell, a staunch gun control extremist, has acknowledged that stronger gun control laws could not have prevented the horrible shooting at the Amish school in his state. During a press conference, Rendell stated, “I believe with all my heart...

Buckeye Firearms Assoc. marks passing of two legends

By Tim Inwood "When beggars die there are no comets seen; The heavens themselves blaze forth the death of princes." - Julius Caesar Cast your eyes skyward my friends as two giants have passed away. Cecil Brooks, whose exquisite muzzleloaders were truly works of art, and Col. Jeff Cooper, now belong to the ages. Brooks passed on September 24 at the age of 93 and Cooper, age 86, on September 25,...

Op-ed: Pacifism – a Refuge of the Simple Minded

Note: Before reading this story, we recommend readers consider the news of the past week: TX: Store clerk shot dead after giving robber cash CO: Gunman in high school siege 'sexually assaulted hostages' WI: Teen charged in deadly school shooting PA: Gunman storms school, kills girls By Gerard Valentino America’s school systems began enacting zero-tolerance policies in the early 1990’s to address...

REMINDER: Register to vote!

There is only one week left to make sure you and your friends and family are registered to vote. If you have moved or still need to register to vote for any reason, October 10 is the last day to register to vote in the November 7 general elections. As we saw again in this year’s primary election, every vote matters. Brant Luther defeated Randy Pope 4,016-4,003 in the 61st Ohio House District...

NEW FEATURE: Buckeye Firearms Assoc. Personalized Pro-Gun Slate Card Generator!

Buckeye Firearms Association is pleased to announce the launching of our Personalized Pro-Gun Slate Card Generator! Candidate voter guides can often seem overwhelming, leaving many voters wondering "What State Senate District do I live in?" "What U.S. Congressional District?" "What Ohio House District?" "What Court of Appeals District?" When utilizing the Buckeye Firearms Association Personalized...

Calling all volunteers!

By Jim Irvine An email has recently been sent to every volunteer who has signed up on our web site to volunteer for a candidate who supports our Second Amendment rights. If you wish to volunteer , but have not recently received an email with specific contact information about your State Representative, and State Senator if you live in an odd numbered Senate district, please click here to...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.