
Senate committee schedules sixth hearing for SB 338 (Concealed Carry Reform) & HB 234 (Allow Noise Suppressors While Hunting)

Chairman Bill Coley has announced that the Senate Civil Justice Committee will be hearing testimony on SB 338, Sen. Joe Uecker's (R-Miami Township) Concealed Carry Law Reform Bill, next Wednesday, December 3 at 9:45 a.m. in the Finance Hearing Room. This will be the sixth hearing for this bill. Coley has also scheduled a sixth hearing for Rep. Cheryl Grossman's (R-Grove City) HB 234 (Allow Noise...

Straight-walled cartridges bring excitement and concerns to Ohio deer gun season

The Ohio deer season and especially the upcoming deer gun week always generates a lot of hope and excitement. This year the added bonus of having our first rifle season using a limited number of straight-walled cartridges (SWC) for rifles is creating some additional excitement. As with anything new there is some confusion. So the first thing is a look at the rules and then some common-sense...

Thanksgiving: George Washington's 1789 Proclamation

Whereas it is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favor -- and whereas both Houses of Congress have by their joint Committee requested me "to recommend to the People of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer to be observed by acknowledging with grateful...

Youth Deer Gun Season Marks First Use of Rifles in Ohio

The early youth deer gun season was less than thirty-minutes old when five-year old Braxton Taylor made Ohio history. Young Taylor was hunting on a family farm in Union County with his step-father Isaac Heyne when he harvested a doe. It was among the early deer taken with one of the new straight-walled cartridge (SWC) rifles. Taylor also has taken two deer with his crossbow this season. The...

Woman robbed at knife point at Kroger store; Moms (Don't) Demand Action

Dayton, Ohio's NBC affiliate, WDTN, is reporting that a Dayton woman was robbed at knifepoint while returning a DVD outside a local Kroger - an incident that is sure to draw national attention due to claims by Michael Bloomberg's Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America that there is never a need to carry a firearm for self-defense in or near a grocery store. From the article : A Dayton woman...

Do you still believe in privacy?

What kind of government spies on its own people? Demanding your privacy doesn't mean you're hiding something, it means you believe in something. The right to a private life is one of freedom's greatest blessings. That's what the Good Guys believe. >>> CLICK HERE to join the NRA or renew your membership now . If you know some good guys and gals, get them a gift membership.

Cleveland police shoot boy holding airsoft gun with orange tip removed; Democrat State Rep.'s knee-jerk reaction? California-style gun control bill

The Cleveland Plain Dealer is reporting that a 12-year-old boy was shot by police Saturday afternoon after officers say he reached for a gun after he was ordered to put up his hands. Police say the gun that was recovered was not a firearm, but that an orange safety tip had been removed. The media, and anti-gun politicians have been quick to draw parallels to the shooting of a man in a Beavercreek...

Op-Ed: California: One Step Closer to Shall Issue!

Federal Appeals Court Denies California Attorney General’s Bid to Overturn NRA Supported Legal Victory in Right to Carry Case A monumental February 14, 2014 ruling from the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in the NRA sponsored case of Peruta v. San Diego County found that the San Diego County Sheriff’s policy of refusing to issue licenses to carry firearms in public unless an applicant could...

More Guns for Gabby, While Vets Lose Theirs

We all know that Gabby Giffords was injured in a murderous attack by a deranged Democrat activist. We know that she suffered serious brain trauma and needed more than a year to regain even partial mobility and speech. We also know that she has staged a remarkable recovery becoming the figurehead of a gun control operation started by her husband, Mark Kelly. Rep. Giffords and Capt. Kelly often...

Associated Press misrepresents Akron police chief, claiming he blames concealed carry laws for officer's death

Northeast Ohio media are reporting that 32 year-old off-duty police officer Justin Winebrenner was shot and killed while trying to diffuse an unruly customer at a bar early Sunday, November 16, and the Associated Press appears to be hoping that they can convince readers that concealed carry laws are to blame. According to WJW (Fox Cleveland), authorities arrested Kenan Ivery, 35, in the shooting...

Senators hear from opponents in latest round of hearings on pro-gun rights bills

The Senate Civil Justice committee met on Wednesday, November 19 to consider multiple firearms-related bills. HB 234 (Allow Noise Suppressors While Hunting) drew opposition testimony from Katriel Israel (written only). Ms. Israel asserted that suppressors are only for police and military, cause an increase risk of accidental shootings, and put hunters at risk. She offered no studies or even...

Ohio's Youth Deer-Gun Season is Nov. 22-23

COLUMBUS, OH - Ohio’s 12th annual youth white-tailed deer hunting season gives young hunters the opportunity to pursue the state’s most popular big-game animal on Nov. 22-23, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR). The youth deer-gun season is open to hunters with a valid youth hunting license and a deer permit. Youth hunters must be 17-years-old or younger at the time they...

Classic Country Outdoors Host Calvin Pyle presented with Honorary Lifetime BFA membership

As previously reported , Classic Country Outdoors host Calvin Pyle has announced his plan to hang up his headphones and retire as the voice of the outdoorsman. He has been the voice of the sportsman in southwest Ohio for two decades. Pyle's unique call-in program welcomed callers with comments and questions in an hour of live broadcasting each weekend. In addition to broadcasting Pyle often spoke...

Op-Ed: Bar the Bar Association

No man’s liberty is safe when activist lawyers plot ways to implement their personal agendas. The American Bar Association (ABA) is the country-wide professional membership association for my fellow lawyers (of which I am not a member). The ABA claims that it is in the business of “defending liberty and delivering justice as the national representative of the legal profession.” Sadly, like many...

BFA endorsees to pack House & Senate majority leadership for 131st General Assembly

Buckeye Firearms Association endorsees have been elected by House & Senate Republicans to a majority of leadership positions in their respective chambers for the 131st General Assembly, which convenes in January. The incoming House Republican Caucus elected BFA "A"-rated Rep. Cliff Rosenberger to serve as speaker of the House for the 131st General Assembly. The other members of next year's...

DOJ Uses Election Eve to Obscure Fast and Furious Document Dump

On November 3, the day before the midterm elections, the Department of Justice released over 64,000 pages of materials pertaining to BATFE’s Operation Fast and Furious, to the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. Some, including former CBS reporter Sharyl Attkisson who helped break the Fast and Furious story, have suggested that the timing of the document dump was cynically...

Senate committee schedules fifth hearing for SB 338 (Concealed Carry Reform), other pro-gun bills

Chairman Bill Coley has announced that the Senate Civil Justice Committee will be hearing testimony on SB 338, Sen. Joe Uecker's (R-Miami Township) Concealed Carry Law Reform Bill, next Wednesday, November 19 at 9:45 a.m. in the Finance Hearing Room. This will be the fifth hearing for this bill. Coley has also scheduled a fifth hearing for Rep. Cheryl Grossman's (R-Grove City) HB 234 (Allow Noise...

Anti-NRA Ebola Theme Infects Media, Spreads Rapidly

In the weeks since we last reported on media attempts to tie NRA to the Ebola crisis because of our opposition to the nomination of Dr. Vivek Murthy as surgeon general, the anti-gun echo chamber has continued to promote this absurd line of argument. Absent most of the coverage is a forthright discussion of NRA’s legitimate concerns with the nominee, or any evidence that Murthy himself has a...

HB 203: Training – how much is enough?

How much training should be required to obtain a concealed handgun license (CHL)? Carrying a firearm is a constitutionally-protected right, but carrying concealed has been ruled a privilege. It is in the public’s best interest that people carrying concealed firearms do so safely, so the state can mandate training, but how much training does it take to make someone safe with a gun? When does it...

Ohio Division of Wildlife - The Wildlife Fund and management process

Sportsmen often hear elected officials vowing to protect the wildlife fund from any raids for political convenience. The wildlife fund is the vehicle to ensure sufficient cash reserves to capture all the available PR/DJ monies. The USF&W Service requires a 25% match for funds. The Division must fund the entire project up front in order to capture the 75% federal match. The wildlife fund is...

11 Ways to Help a New Shooter Succeed

“I think I need to learn how to shoot a gun. Can you help me?” Whether it’s coming from a friend, colleague or family member, these are the words that everyone who loves the shooting sports should be thrilled to hear. It can be hard for someone who has never fired a gun before to admit that they need help. The fact that they’ve chosen to trust you with this critically important task should come...

Who pays for the Ohio Division of Wildlife?

Sportsmen pay the bills. Sportsmen have heard from the Division of Wildlife personnel that they are actively managing the funds - the sportsmen and women's dollars - and making wise use of that resource just as with natural resources. What does that mean, how is it accomplished and where does the Division of Wildlife receive their funding? While I had some glimpse into the process, I certainly...

Classic Country Outdoors Host Calvin Pyle hanging up his headphones; Final show on Sunday!

Classic Country Outdoors host Calvin Pyle is hanging up the headphones as the voice of the outdoorsman. He has been the voice of the sportsman in southwest Ohio for two decades. His laid back country style was a perfect fit for Classic Country Radio stations. Pyle grew up in Clinton County. As a youngster he explored the woods and creeks of the area falling in love with the outdoors. It was a...

What do YOU stand for?

Are you surrounded by a world where doors stay locked and windows shuttered? How do you know who the Good Guys are? Someone who believes in community and country and you trust to act when others would not. >>> CLICK HERE to join the NRA or renew your membership now . If you know some good guys and gals, get them a gift membership.

The right of the people to keep and read books shall not be infringed?

The Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States reads, A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Progressives read this and say that only those people in “a well-regulated militia” have the right to keep and bear arms. Let’s find out why this is utter nonsense, shall we? Over at the...

October 2014 Firearms Sales Checks Highest October on Record

The October 2014 NSSF-adjusted National Instant Criminal Background Check System figure of 1,174,797 is the highest October on record for the 16-year-old system, with an increase of 5.5 percent compared to the October 2013 NSSF-adjusted NICS figure of1,113,818. For comparison, the unadjusted October 2014 NICS figure of 1,595,898 reflects a 5.0 percent decrease from the unadjusted NICS figure of 1...

A Conversation with Kenn Blanchard, “Black Man With A Gun”

Kenn Blanchard tells the story of having an edgy name. While in a men’s room, someone noticed him and called out loudly, “Hey! Black man with a gun!” The other occupants of that room immediately went on red alert, looking around for someone with a firearm. "Nah, it’s cool,” said Blanchard. “I am known internationally because of my gun activism, website, podcast (Black Man With A Gun) and books."...

Senate committee schedules hearing for HB 203 (Concealed Carry & Self-Defense Law Reform), other pro-gun bills

Chairman Bill Coley has announced that the Senate Civil Justice Committee will be hearing sponsor testimony on Representative Terry Johnson's (R-McDermott) HB 203 next Wednesday, November 12 at 9:45 a.m. in the Finance Hearing Room. This will be the first hearing for this important bill. Coley has also scheduled fourth hearings for Rep. Cheryl Grossman's (R-Grove City) HB 234 (Allow Noise...

Report: Ohio clerk with gun fends off robber with knife

The Lancaster Eagle-Gazette is reporting that a convenience store clerk used a gun to protect her life at a knife-wielding masked man attempting to rob the store. From the article : A store clerk said she feared for her life when she fired a shot at a steak knife-wielding masked man attempting to rob the store before he ran out Monday night, she told Lancaster police. "I fired one shot at him and...

Buckeye Firearms Foundation to present at the Ohio School Board Association Conference

School violence is in the news and on parents mind. This year it’s also on the agenda at the Ohio School Board Association (OSBA) Capital Conference. The convention runs November 9-12 at the Greater Columbus Convention Center. First on the agenda is “To arm or not to arm” presented by John Benner of Tactical Defense Institute and Chris Wallace who is a S.W.A.T. instructor. Monday, November 10 8:...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.