FASTER Saves Lives at BASA “Are you prepared?” conference

This week the Buckeye Association of School Administrators (BASA) holds its “Are you prepared?” school facilities and safety conference in Columbus, Ohio.

FASTER Saves Lives will be on hand at booth 40 near the BASA registration desk. We will have trauma kits for review and will be discussing various ways to save lives before, during, and after an active killer event.

School safety is a topic that should be on every school administrators mind. Unfortunately, we live in more violent times than we grew up in. Schools have adapted and are better prepared to deal with peanut allergies, heart attacks and child abuse. They have EpiPens, automatic external defibrillators (AEDs) and policies to help abused children. But most schools are very lacking when it comes to a realistic plan to quickly stop violence and treat trauma injuries. FASTER Saves Lives is a total concept, designed by experts and paid for through Buckeye Firearms Foundation.

For those wanting an understanding and answers for violence, there are two sessions that should be on their “must attend” list. Both of these occur on Wednesday, March 11.

Session 1 (10:45 to 11:35) in the “Fairfield” meeting room.

The "Real" Problem Facing School Administrators in School Shootings, presented by Dr. Richard Caster.

From Columbine to Sandy Hook: What is the data showing us? Participants will clearly identify the two key factors facing administrators in protecting students.

Session 4 (2:30 to 3:20) in the “Fairfield” meeting room.

Frontline Responders to School Violence, presented by Jeff Staggs.

The participants will learn how arming school staff can prevent and minimize the deaths of students and staff. The talk will include training and other layers of protection.

If your school has not significantly updated its plan for violence in the past two years, now is the time. Take advantage of the various people who are available to you. There are answers to your questions. There are workable plans. Your school can be as prepared for violence as it is for fire. We are here to help you.

For more information about the BASA conference, see:

For more information about FASTER Saves Lives and to apply for free training for schools staff, see:

Jim Irvine is the Buckeye Firearms Foundation President, BFA PAC Chairman and recipient of the NRA-ILA's 2011 "Jay M. Littlefield Volunteer of the Year Award" and the CCRKBA's 2012 "Gun Rights Defender of the Year Award."

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