Plain Dealer letter-writers let 'em have it

Readers passionate about shooting By Regina Brett April 27, 2007 Off. The. Scale. The reaction to the shooting of 15-year-old Arthur Buford has everyone up in arms. More than 400 readers told me Damon Wells had every right to shoot and kill Buford. Only 20 disagreed. Wells was not sitting on his porch when he was attacked, as I wrote Wednesday. He was returning from the store and walking across...

Restoring the Second Amendment in Parker v. Columbia

By Alan Gura "Fear and disinformation have long been the hallmarks of the movement to end private gun ownership. Not surprisingly, the D.C. Circuit's decision in Parker v. District of Columbia , confirming that people have an individual right to keep and bear arms, has elicited outrageous predictions of doom from gun prohibitionists. The Violence Policy Center’s Josh Sugarmann neatly summed up...

Toledo Blade editorial board member tirade: This explains everything

Now that Toledo Blade editorial board member Dan Simpson has written his "The disarming of America" tirade, we guess you'd call it ("rant" probably being too mild, and more accurate words being inappropriate to print), we can finally understand some of the anti-gun editorials that the Blade has spewed over the past 3-4 years. Thanks to NBC's sick attempt to lift their dismal ratings, we've all...

Plain Dealer journalistic integrity update: No new corrections, another error

In the wake of having been notified by Buckeye Firearms Association that three news stories in the past week have contained significant errors, the Cleveland Plain Dealer has thus far refused to answer to the Indictment of Cleveland Plain Dealer - Violation of Journalist Code of Ethics . A href="

VT Roundabout: 26 Beautiful Stories on the VT Massacre, and Three Ugly Ones

The typical's "Pro-Gun Punditry: Buckeye State Roundabout" notes that there are many more stories pertaining to our gun rights in Ohio than we could draw attention to with individual daily commentary, but that they are all worthy of mention. This past week, the same can be said for commentary on the Virginia Tech massacre. Click 'Read More' for this special edition, Wednesday'...

Plain Dealer columnists defend self-defense; AP continues to report bad info

By Chad D. Baus I hope none of the Cleveland Plain Dealer readers who opened their newspapers today had a serious heart condition, because it must have been quite a shock. The newspaper has published not one, but TWO, op-eds by Plain Dealer columnists defending CHL-holder Damon Wells taking action to defend himself against an armed teenaged thug. The first column, written by Plain Dealer...

Plain Dealer Abandons Journalistic Ideals in Coverage of Self-Defense News

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE While most of Ohio’s news media have done a fair-to-admirable job covering the issue of self-defense, Cleveland’s Plain Dealer appears to have abandoned any pretext of journalistic integrity on this topic. Consider several recent stories: A boy dies, and a gun debate is reignited (April 24, 2007), Tragedy at Virginia Tech (April 18, 2007), and Gun advocates in massacre find...

Responder Zero

By Clint Lake In the world of infectious diseases there is a term called ‘Patient Zero’. This is essentially the first person to start the epidemic spreading to numerous points unknown. The Center For Disease Control has the job of backtracking from the most recent recipient of the disease all the way back to ‘Patient Zero’ in order to determine how the bug transported from person to person and...


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