Tens of Thousands Safely Join Sportsmen's Ranks

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 20, 2007 The Families Afield Program led to an astounding jump in the number of new hunters in 2006. The spotless safety record of the freshmen underscores the fact that mentored youth are the safest in the field. Families Afield is a campaign established by the U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance, National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), and National Wild Turkey Federation (...

LTE: Assault on 'assault' weapons unsound

March 19, 2007 Zanesville Times-Recorder The recent article by Dan Thomasson maligning the National Rifle Association is a new low, even for him. It appears that old Dan has finally lost control of his senses or is lying in his teeth. Take your pick. The nation's police chiefs have serious problems all right, but so called assault weapons are seldom used in crimes of any kind. The infamous ATF (...

State Officials Recognize Influence of Sportsmen’s Movement

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 15, 2007 (Columbus) – Ohio legislators were reminded Tuesday night that sportsmen are an active, voting constituency that wants to work with elected officials to protect and advance wildlife conservation in the Buckeye State. Nearly 140 leaders of Ohio hunting, trapping and fishing groups demonstrated the power of the sportsmen’s movement when they gathered at the...

Responding to Brady: The Letter the Blade refused to print

Editor's Note: The following letter was submitted to the Toledo Blade in response to an op-ed written by the John Shanks, Director of the Law Enforcement Relations for the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence. True to form, Shanks jumped at the opportunity to dance in the blood of a slain Toledo police officer, who died despite a plethora of failed Toledo gun control laws . The anti-gun Blade has...

OhioGOP one step closer to pro-gun leader

By Chad D. Baus Despite reports in recent weeks that Ohio GOP chairman Bob Bennett was considering an abandonment of his plan to orchestrate an orderly transfer of power within the OhioGOP via the creation of the position of Deputy Chairman, the Cleveland Plain Dealer is reporting that the party's central committee voted on March 9 to create a deputy director position. The person to fill it will...

Plain Dealer: Pro gun 'journalist' seeks lists of permits

The Cleveland Plain Dealer is reporting that "a gun-rights group critical of journalists who have published lists of conceal-and-carry permit holders is now seeking the same information." From the story: Jeff Garvas, president of Ohioans For Concealed Carry Inc., has asked the state's sheriffs for -- and in some cases has received -- the names and addresses of the permit holders, citing his role...

NBC Cleveland: City Police do not support Mayor's defiance of state law

Toledo and Columbus no longer enforcing failed local gun control laws On Wednesday, March 14, Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson announced that he would defy the will of the Ohio General Assembly as expressed in HB347 - legislation which made all firearms laws uniform across the Buckeye State. At a press conference staged at the Police Briefing Room, Jackson told reporters that he will ignore state...

Ohio State Highway Patrol's ''plain sight'' champion on his way out

By Chad D. Baus The Columbus Dispatch reported this week that Col. Paul D. McClellan, the current Superintendent of the Ohio State Highway Patrol (OSHP), has announced his retirement. The retirement of McClellan, who made Buckeye Firearms' 2006 list of Ten People Who Are Threatening Your Ohio Gun Rights , comes at an ironic time for Ohio concealed handgun license-holders. Also being retired this...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.