Letters to legislators on HB347 hit home

We've asked, and you have responded. Senate leaders have received and are continuing to receive a large number of letters calling on them to stop playing politics with HB347 and to pass it before summer recess. Click on 'Read More' to real one very poignant letter among the hundreds written just in the past few days, and read once again why if you haven't already written, YOUR HELP IS NEEDED...

Mixed reporting from Columbus TV station on pro-gun legislation

Two pieces of gun-related legislation which have been introduced weeks or months ago, which have had multiple committee hearings, and in one case has been overwhelmingly passed by the Ohio House, were finally discovered and reported on by Columbus' NBC 4 last week. While it is a sad commentary on the media that this is such a rare occurence as to warrant special attention, credit is due NBC 4 for...

The U.N. Wants Your Guns

By Chris Chumita The global war on your personally owned firearms has already begun. The NRA and its Executive Vice-President, Wayne LaPierre, have been trying to sound the alarm for years. So far, it does not appear that many people are listening. The United Nations (U.N.), the International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA), and other countries are trying to ban the private ownership of...

Op-Ed: Taft's Last Chance to Help the Party He's Hurting

By Gerard Valentino (This commentary has also been published at CNSNews.com ) The Ohio Republican Party still is reeling from several high profile scandals, including a misdemeanor ethics conviction against current Governor Bob Taft. Taft, with his dismal 14% approval rating, has emerged as the greatest threat to the Republican Party retaining control of Ohio's executive and legislative branch...

Op-Ed: As good as their word

May 18, 2006 By Cam Edwards The line in the sand has been drawn. Either you stand with the 2nd amendment or against it. And this time, there’ll be penalties for infringing on the rights of law abiding Americans. The National Rifle Association is issuing a challenge to our nation’s mayors and police chiefs: sign a pledge that you will never take the guns from those you serve. The impetus for this...

HB347 & HB541: Senate Proponent/ Opponent hearings scheduled next week!

Rep. Steve Buehrer's Castle Doctrine/ Stand Your Ground legislation, HB541, has been added to the House Criminal Justice Committee's agenda for May 23 at 2:30 p.m. in Statehouse Room 121. The purpose for Tuesday's hearing is so that the committee may hear testimony on HB541 from proponents and opponents of the legislation, and other interested parties. Ken Hanson, Buckeye Firearms Association's...

What should gun owners make of a DDN warning about Ted Strickland?

By Chad D. Baus In commentary that appeared this week in the Dayton Daily News, staff writer Martin Gottlieb provides an alleged history of Ted Strickland on the gun issue. The op-ed begins like this: Ted Strickland is supposed to be a different kind of Democrat. That image is built largely around the gun issue. The shorthand description of Strickland in the national media is generally some...

HB347 Hearing Wrap: YOUR HELP NEEDED!

By Linda Walker The Senate Criminal Justice committee heard additional testimony for HB347 on Wednesday. This hearing, like last week's at which Larry Moore testified on behalf of Buckeye Firearms Assoc., was for proponent, opponent and all interested parties. The hearing wrapped up with 5 individuals giving testimony. Less than compelling opponent testimony was given by gun ban extremist Toby...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.