Anti-gun efforts around US show why we can't become complacent
As staunch supporters and defenders of the Second Amendment, many of us are rightly celebrating election and legislative victories at the state and federal level. But we know we must stay vigilant.
Here in Ohio, Buckeye Firearms Association was successful in putting forth laws prohibiting firearms liability insurance requirements, firearms and ammunition fee requirements, and merchant codes. BFA helped shepherd state laws providing civil immunity for acts of self-defense while fighting off several anti-gun bills and attempts at gerrymandering legislative districts. Oh, and BFA-supported candidates were very successful at the state and federal level in the November 2024 general election.
Even still, the anti-gun crowd continues to attack. Here are a few of many recent examples around the United States:
- The Democratic National Committee (DNC) just announced that one of its vice chairs would be Michael Bloomberg-backed 24-year-old David Hogg, who shouted, "... let’s stop sending just our thoughts and prayers to address gun violence and do something." This is the same lad who incorrectly posted on X, "You have no right to a gun. You are not a militia. When you’re talking about your second amendment rights you’re talking about a states right to have what is today the national guard. The modern interpretation of 2A is a ridiculous fraud pushed for decades by the gun lobby." NSSF has the full story.
- Today (Feb. 4), the South Carolina Senate Judiciary Committee is expected to hold a hearing on two anti-gun bills, both of which would expand prohibiting categories beyond federal law.
- The Colorado State Senate on Feb. 7 is expected to vote on a nearly all-encompassing semi-automatic ban. According to NRA-ILA, Senate Bill 25-003 bans so-called "specified semiautomatic firearms," which are defined in the bill as "... a semiautomatic rifle or semiautomatic shotgun with a detachable magazine or a gas-operated semiautomatic handgun with a detachable magazine." As NRA-ILA notes, "Semi-automatic firearms with detachable magazines have existed for well over a century, and these platforms certainly fit the definition of "in common use" set forth by the District of Columbia V. Heller decision."
- Utah's legislature is progressing through Senate Bill 130, described by NRA-ILA as "the ultimate wish list of gun control advocates. This 52-page bill includes everything from a semi-automatic firearm ban, standard capacity magazine ban, waiting periods to purchase a firearm, requirements to register certain firearms with the government, and more."
Of course, the usual suspects, Washington State, Maine, Hawaii, New Hampshire, and others, produce anti-Second Amendment bills every chance they get. In fact, Washington legislators introduced House Bill 1504, which would prohibit not only the purchase but also the possession of a firearm unless the firearm is “insured under a firearm liability policy or covered by a firearm liability bond,” according to AmmoLand.
We have been fortunate here in Ohio in recent years to have a House and Senate with a pro-gun majority, and we've appreciated the governor signing BFA-backed legislation. But as the 2026 gubernatorial battle gets underway, we must be wary of those looking to make a name for themselves, especially prospective candidates who have demonstrated their disdain for gun rights.
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Don't look only at the state and federal level, though. It is critical that you keep an eye on city and village councils, school boards, township trustees, and various county races in this hyperlocal election year. After all, it's said, "all politics is local." If you suspect your elected officials are up to no good when it comes to gun rights, please let us know by sending us a message online at buckeyefirearms.org/contact.
BFA works to pass pro-gun legislation, educate the public through ongoing media relations, provide high-quality firearms classes, and make available a wide variety of resources for gun owners.
While anti-gun groups get their funding and support from wealthy activists or big corporations, BFA gets its funding and support from citizens like you who value their constitutional rights.
Please consider supporting us as we continue to support and defend your Second Amendment rights in 2025 and beyond.
Joe D. "Buck" Ruth, a longtime small-game hunter and gun owner who spent nearly three decades in the news industry, is the website and social-media manager for Buckeye Firearms Association.
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