BFA PAC Announces Grades and Endorsements for Nov. 8, 2022, General Election
This has been a crazy and confusing year for elections in Ohio. Lawmakers struggled to finalize district maps, and we had two separate Primary Elections. Now we're headed into the 2022 General Election.
So it's time, once again, to issue grades and endorsements to help you vote your gun rights and elect pro-Second Amendment candidates.
CLICK HERE to see our grades and endorsements.
Volunteers on the BFA PAC Endorsement Committee spend countless hours reviewing candidate survey answers, legislative voting records, and other information to assign grades and select certain candidates for endorsement. We also meet personally with key candidates to assess their dedication to protecting our Second Amendment rights.
Our grades and endorsements concentrate on gun rights only. While you may take other issues into consideration in casting your vote, Buckeye Firearms Association is a one-issue, nonpartisan organzation. By limiting our focus to the Second Amendment, we are able to give you accurate information on this key policy area.
Note that our grades and endorsements here are for the 2022 General Election only and do not apply to any future election.
Important Dates:
- Military & Overseas Absentee Voting: Begins September 23
- Deadline to Register to Vote: October 11
- Early In-Person Voting: Begins October 12 and includes the two Saturdays, the Sunday and the Monday before Election Day
- Absentee Voting By Mail: Begins October 12
- Election Day: November 8 (Polls Open 6:30 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.)
Additional Information:
- Voter Registration
- Where to vote
- View your sample ballot
- Ohio District Maps
- Secretary of State's Website
A Word About this Election:
We always say, "This is an important election." But this time, it's more true than ever before. Gun control advocates are becoming more aggressive and shameless in their attempts to roll back Second Amendment rights.
At the federal level, they are pushing outright gun bans and threatening to expand the Supreme Court to get the results they want. And, stung by legal and legislative losses, they are finding workarounds to infringe on our rights, such as pressuring credit card companies to track gun sales and making it more difficult for firearm businesses to get loans and insurance.
At the state level, anti-gun forces want to reverse recent legislative victories such as permitless carry, reinstate the duty to retreat, and repeal statewide preemption to give every city the ability to pass its own gun laws.
It's true that Buckeye Firearms Association has helped transform Ohio into one of the best states for gun rights in the nation over recent years. But don't think that means we can relax. We must continue to fight in the Statehouse and at the ballot box to defend our victories. Gun control advocates are not giving up and neither can we.
Don't take anything for granted.
If you're not registered to vote, get registered immediately. Use our grades and endorsements to vote for candidates who will respect and fight for your Second Amendment rights.
Share our grades and endorsements with your friends and family and make sure they cast their votes as well.
We will continue to share election information on our website and in our weekly newsletter and podcast, right up until November 8. Stay tuned.
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