Biden ATF declares war on Second Amendment, sidesteps Congress with 'universal' background check rule

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), under President Joe Biden, is sidestepping Congress with a "universal" background check rule.

NRA-ILA executive director Randy Kozuch released the following statement regarding the ATF's action:

"This latest action by the Biden administration is yet another step in their campaign to attack law-abiding gun owners. The Bipartisan 'Safer Communities' Act's passage is now a pretext to require government permission before exercising a constitutional right. It's a stark reminder to legislators: give gun controllers any legislative tool, no matter how benign, and they’ll use it to shred the Second Amendment. The Biden Administration will clearly use all the tools at their disposal to interfere with our freedoms while doing nothing to stop the violent criminals responsible for America’s recent crime surge."

© 2023 National Rifle Association of America, Institute for Legislative Action. This may be reproduced. This may not be reproduced for commercial purposes.

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