BOOK REVIEW: Emily Gets Her Gun…But Obama Wants to Take Yours
By Jim Irvine
I've had the pleasure of hearing Emily Miller address groups to tell her story of becoming a D.C. gun owner several times. Emily is a delightful person, has an interesting story to tell and does a great job telling it. She has won numerous awards for her series, "Emily Gets her Gun" which appeared in the Washington Times. Her book, by the same title, details her journey from an innocent crime victim to gun owner and more. The book alternates chapters on Emily's trials of legally buying a gun in D.C. and political discussions on Mayors Against Illegal Guns, school massacres and current topics related to the Second Amendment.
I actually would have been more excited about the book without the "But Obama Wants to Take Yours," as I really wanted to know about her experience getting a gun in D.C., but figured I already knew everything I needed to know about Obama's hostilities. Miller points out that gun-grabbing politicians are motivated by their "want to disarm the populace and have more control of their citizens." (emphasis added) She is exactly right and explains this concept well.
It turned out that my favorite chapter in the book had nothing to do with Emily getting her gun, but was Chapter 12 - "The Bloomberg Factor." Not only was this my favorite chapter, it is worth getting this book if that is the only chapter you read. While many are discussing "mandatory training" and "mandatory background checks," I suggest that this chapter should be mandatory reading for all gun owners, and anyone else who cares about individual freedoms. It explains perfectly the battle we are fighting, and the importance of winning.
That is not to say the rest of the book should be skipped. The chapters on Emily getting her gun are everything I had hoped they would be. It will make you laugh and may make you cry. It should infuriate you as you learn what the district does to good people, including veterans while criminals continue to rack up assaults and murders on other residents unable to protect themselves. The chapter "The Real Consequences of Gun Control: Persecuting a Hero" will break your heart.
Lest you think all this nonsense and war on law-abiding gun owners only effects those who live in D.C. or a few other hostile states, make no mistake that these sorts of rules are exactly what the U.S. Senate debated this year as Schumer/Bloomberg/Feinstein/Obama dream legislation was defeated, if only temporarily. And yes, their plans do include confiscation. All this and more is detailed in Miller's book.
Buying a gun is a tedious task for anyone in D.C. Not being a shooter, Emily lacked even basic knowledge about guns. Her journey starts, as with so many other people, with an awakening that police are not always there to protect you, and the difference between life and death may be your ability to defend your own life.
Her story follows her along the path to gun owner as she learns from friends, an instructor, Sykes and others. She admits that without the series in the paper, she might have given up with the maze of obstacles the D.C. council has set up for potential gun owners. That of course is part of their plan. Her "never quit" attitude not only severed her well in obtaining her gun, but it will make her stronger if a criminal ever makes the mistake of thinking she is an easy victim.
"Emily Gets Her Gun" is an easy and enjoyable read. It contains valuable information for the guy-guy who has been shooting his whole life and the young girl who has never fired a shot. It will make a great gift for anyone on your Christmas list. The book is available in hard cover, for Kindle, or as an audiobook CD at Click here!
Jim Irvine is the Buckeye Firearms Association President, BFA PAC Chairman and recipient of the NRA-ILA's 2011 "Jay M. Littlefield Volunteer of the Year Award" and the CCRKBA's 2012 "Gun Rights Defender of the Year Award."
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