BREAKING: House Passes BFA-Supported SB 185 to Limit Government Power During Emergencies
On Thursday, Dec. 1, 2022, the Ohio House passed Senate Bill 185, sponsored by Senator Tim Schaffer, on a 55 to 22 vote.
Earlier in the day, the House Government Oversight Committee passed the bill 8-5, sending it to the House floor.
SB 185 seeks to prevent state and local governments from infringing on Second Amendment rights and key hunting, fishing, and trapping activities during declared emergencies. It is the most powerful and comprehensive emergency powers bill of its kind in the United States.
BFA pioneered this bill and worked with our partners, the NRA and National Shooting Sports Foundation, to write this bill and line up overwhelming support in the House and Senate, with over 60 sponsors and co-sponsors.
Due to amendments, the bill now heads to the Senate for a concurrence vote. If it passes, it will head to the Governor for his signature.
SB 185 is one of three major pieces of legislation we designated as our top priorities in the current legislative session, the other two being SB 215 for permitless carry and HB 99 for armed school personnel.
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