Democrat Rep. Matt Lundy's idea of "support" for the Second Amendment mirrors Obama's: Say one thing, Do another.
Despite anti-gun actions, Rep. Lundy still claims support for Second Amendment
By Chad D. Baus
The news media have begun to cover Buckeye Firearms Association's decision to expose Rep. Matt Lundy (D) for having lied on his 2010 candidate survey, and apparently at least one news outlet got something BFA never did - a telephone conversation with former the BFA endorsee.
From The Chronicle-Telegram in Elyria, OH, Lundy's hometown newspaper:
An Ohio gun owners' rights group has accused state Rep. Matt Lundy, D-Elyria, of lying to get its endorsement in last November's election.
In an advertisement taken out in local newspapers, The Buckeye Firearms Association said that Lundy misrepresented himself when he told them he backed changing the laws governing how concealed carry permit holders handle their weapons in vehicles and whether they're allowed to take their guns into restaurants that sell alcohol.
When asked on the organization's questionnaire whether he would support concealed carry permit holders to remain armed in establishments that sell alcohol, the ad said Lundy responded, "Yes. But only if the license holder in not consuming alcohol, intoxicated, or under the influence."
The association said that Lundy has since voted against bringing the law out of a committee in the Ohio House of Representatives and has even introduced amendments that gun owners oppose, including one that would make concealed carry permit holders' information a public record.
"Matt Lundy gave gun owners his word that if they voted for him, he would be with them when they needed his vote," the ad, which has not appeared in The Chronicle-Telegram, said. "Now that we need his support on these issues, he is turning his back on us and the Ohio gun owners he represents."
But Lundy denied that he was trying to deceive anyone and remains a strong proponent of the Second Amendment.
"I'm disappointed, but I've been very clear that I support the Second Amendment," he said.
He said he gave brief answers to the questions provided to him by the association, but has additional concerns about allowing the carrying of guns into bars and restaurants.
He said his worry isn't what concealed carry permit holders will do in an establishment selling alcohol, but rather what others who are drinking might to do get their hands on a gun carried by a valid permit holder.
There are several problems with Lundy's response to the advertisement, which has already been published in the Lorain, OH Morning Journal on Monday April 25, and which will run in The Chronicle-Telegram on Wednesday, April 27.
First, claiming to be supportive of the Second Amendment and then voting to deny the right to bear arms for self-defense in a family restaurant like Applebee's or Chili's is akin to Barack Obama (D) claiming to support the Second Amendment and then nominating Eric Holder as Attorney General and both Sonya Sotomayor and Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court. Support for the Second Amendment isn't about words, it is about actions.
Second, for all of his purported concern about what the legislation would allow, none of Lundy's amendments addressed the concerns he professed to the reporter (i.e. other patrons getting access to guns), nor was any evidence presented in committee to back up his professed concern.
Third, the survey questions were simple yes or no questions. As the ad reveals, Lundy answered "Yes."
Again from the article:
Jim Irvine, the association's chairman, said everyone is entitled to their opinion, but he feels that Lundy wasn't being truthful when he answered the survey sent to candidates.
"He's in a tight district and he wants our support," Irvine said. "I don't know why he told us one thing and did another."
The association has never taken the step of taking out newspaper ads accusing candidates of lying before, but then it hasn't encountered a problem like this before, Irvine said.
Irvine also said he's tried to contact Lundy several times to discuss the issue, but Lundy hasn't returned his calls. Lundy said he's called Irvine back, but hasn't been able to reach him.
After reading Lundy's claim in the newspaper, Irvine noted that if Lundy did try to call, "he never got me, nor left me a voicemail/ email/ or text message. I know I called his office several times leaving messages for a call back."
Additionally, Lundy had multiple opportunities to talk to Irvine or other Buckeye Firearms Association volunteers at anyone of the five House committee hearings, yet he chose not to.
As BFA ponders in the newspaper ad, "if Matt Lundy will lie about one thing, how many more lies has he told, and just not (yet) been caught?" If he lied on his candidate survey, for example, would he also be willing to falsely claim to have returned Irvine's calls when he did not?
Chad D. Baus is the Buckeye Firearms Association Vice Chairman.
Additional Coverage:
The Morning Journal - Gun rights group alleges Rep. Lundy lied for votes
The Outdoor Wire - Buckeye Firearms Accuses Representative of Lying for Endorsement
AmmoLand - Buckeye Firearms Association Accuses Representative Matt Lundy of Lying to Get Endorsement
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