A Few Minutes With...Herman Cain

by Jim Shepherd

This weekend, thanks to the efforts of my friend Doug Warren, I had an on-the-record conversation with Herman Cain. As the current front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination, his candidacy is drawing plenty of attention and criticism. Some of the criticism seems warranted; he has reversed himself on some issues, on others he's been short on details.

He's also the antithesis of the stereotypical black politician. He's conservative in his politics and says the country has to cut back on many of the giveaway programs that have formed the backbone of liberal political platforms.

His 9-9-9 plan has been eviscerated, dissected and roundly discounted by opponents in both parties. But he's still not afraid to be forthcoming on anything, with the exception of the charges of sexual harassment while he headed the National Restaurant Association.

Since first reported in Politico, that story has roiled the national media. Cain flatly denied having ever harassed anyone, but that hasn't stopped the conversations. Cain's camp appears to be done with the entire matter - at least when it comes to on-the-record comments.

It is the only topic that is simply, and absolutely, off-limits in interviews. Everything else - at least from my perspective- seemed open for discussion.

As I prepared, I realized that the chance to speak with a presidential candidate presented a special opportunity.

That's why I told you about the interview before it happened. My job isn't just to ask questions; it's to ask questions you'd want answered. So I asked for your questions, and you responded.

Hundreds of questions, some position papers, a few allegations and a couple of notes of undetermined purpose came in response. Collectively they covered more ground than we could ever squeeze into a half-hour interview.

But you took the opportunity seriously. That's the reason this feature appear[ed] in [Monday's] Outdoor, Fishing and Shooting wires.

This is NOT an endorsement - [The Outdoor Wire is] not in the political endorsement business.

Some of you are likely considering a blistering response for our having not interviewed your personal preference for president.

Before you send your note, let me state this for the record: the same invitation is extended to each of the candidates for the Republican nomination and to President Obama. I hope Herman Cain isn't the last of the candidates to want to speak to you. But I can't guarantee that happening.

And we can't make anyone agree to be interviewed. We can only offer the opportunity.

Consider that opportunity offered.

There was no way to ask your questions individually; the questions represent my efforts to synthesize broad questions that spoke to the major topics you felt were important, and to get them into the amount of time allotted for the interview. Time is not something a presidential candidate has in limitless quantities.

That having been said: "A Few Minutes With....Herman Cain."

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