KEY RACE: Plain Dealer/OFCC PAC endorse Cassandra Wyssbrod (R) for House 9
Two years ago, the Cleveland Plain Dealer endorsed Democrat Claudette J. Woodard in Ohio House District 9. In their own words, they "have been disappointed."
This November, voters in the district have an extremely impressive candidate running for the seat in Republican Cassandra C. Wyssbrod. She has earned the newspaper's endorsement, and OFCC PAC's as well.
Unlike her opponent, Wyssbrod says she would have voted in favor of HB274 had she been representative last term. She also looks forward to having the opportunity to make improvements, should the bill be approved in the Senate and become law.
House District 9 includes Cleveland Heights, East Cleveland, University Heights and part of Cleveland's Ward 9.
Cassandra Wyssbrod deserves your support in this KEY RACE. If you can help post yard signs, participate in literature drops, etc., please contact us immediately, and we will get you in contact with her campaign.
- 2009 reads