Letter to Sandusky Register Editor Matt Westerhold
We know it was far from the only one mailed to Editor Matt Westerhold, but the Sandusky Register has finally published a single letter to the editor about their irresponsible release of private information on CHL-holders on their website:
- Cost some business
After years of advertising my rental units and selling numerous items in your classifieds, the Sandusky Register has chosen to list my name on their web site under the concealed carry permit holder's list. When I want my business put in your paper or Web site, I'll call your advertising department and you can charge me for it. The Sandusky Register has won the right to publish this list. However, as a customer I have the right to no longer do business with the Sandusky Register.
Michael Marsh
Also from another northern Ohio editorial page, the Cleveland Plain Dealer recently published a pair of pro-gun letters to the editor, one of which was sent in response to a recent article documenting an increase in concealed handgun licenses issued to persons greater than 60 years of age.
Click 'Read More' for the letters to the Plain Dealer editor.
Predictions have anti-gun advocate shooting blanks
I applaud The Plain Dealer's Wednesday "Grannie get your gun" story.
It's nice to see positive stories regarding Ohio's concealed- handgun
license holders. We are simply law-abiding citizens who wish to protect
ourselves and our families.
I do question why The Plain Dealer continues to seek out and quote Toby
Hoover (the executive director of the Ohio Coalition Against Handgun
Violence) when any gun-related story is printed. All of Hoover's dire
predictions of increased handgun violence due to the passage of the
concealed-carry law have proved unfounded.
Hoover has again predicted "Wild West shootouts" if HB 264 or SB 184
passes. The bills would protect concealed-handgun license holders from
lawsuits should they legally protect themselves or their families from
an attacker with a gun (popularly known as "castle doctrine" or "stand
your ground" legislation).
Just as no Wild West shootouts have occurred since the concealed-handgun
law went into effect, it is reasonable to expect that passing "castle
doctrine" legislation will not encourage law-abiding citizens to go
looking for trouble.
Gregory M. Danaher
Willoughby Hills
Licensed, armed school officials would save lives
What does it take to stop a man with a gun? The answer is obvious: It
takes another man or woman with a gun.
When a crazy person begins methodically shooting children in our
schools, there must be an immediate, on-site, lethal response to save as
many lives as possible. There is no time to call 9-1-1, nor to summon
Luke Woodham shot up Mississippi's Pearl High School in 1997. During his
spree, Woodham encountered Vice Principal Joel Myrick, who had rushed to
his car to retrieve a .45-caliber pistol. Myrick aimed his gun at
Woodham's head, holding him until police arrived.
Licensed school officials with proper training in the use of firearms
should be permitted to carry concealed guns. You can bet parents of the
32 murder victims at Virginia Tech University wish an armed educator had
been present.
U.S. Rep. Ron Paul has introduced HR 2424 - the Citizens Protection Act
- which would make arming educators possible.
Ask your representative to co-sponsor this legislation and your two
senators to get behind it.
John J. Myers
Please consider making a donation to Buckeye Firearms Association NOW to help us STOP
this inexcusable attack on your rights. We need your help in this battle as we prepare to implement our next steps.
POLL: How do you feel about journalists publishing the names of CHL holders?
Continuing Coverage:
Sandusky Register Editor Matt Westerhold Declares War on Gun Owner Privacy
Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes? Who will guard the guardians?
It's About The Privacy & the Sandusky Register Secretly Employing Sex Offenders
What is the harm in publishing lists of concealed handgun license holders?
Think the Register got too much private info? Records prove they wanted MORE
Former Trooper to Editor Westerhold: ''That's no public service''
CNSNews.com: Ohio Newspaper Under Fire for Outing Gun Owners
Register 'doing it for the readers' - who keep saying they don't like it
Sandusky Register on Privacy: What's good for me not good for thee
Rush Limbaugh praises Buckeye Firearms Assoc. response to Sandusky Register
CNSNews.com Readers: Publishing Names of CCW License Holders Irresponsible
Sandusky Register's error-filled list of CHL-holders' private info
Public Defender's Letter to Register Editor Westerhold: ''Public Trust Broken''
- 7742 reads