Lorain Morning-Journal editorial: "Lundy’s duplicity over endorsement should be a concern to voters"
by Chad D. Baus
On Monday, April 25, Buckeye Firearms Association exposed Rep. Matt Lundy (D) for having lied on his 2010 candidate survey by publishing an article at BuckeyeFirearms.org, issuing a press release to hundreds of news outlets in Ohio, emailing thousands of pro-gun voters, and sharing these facts in a newspaper advertisement published last week in newspapers that cover his district, the Lorain Morning-Journal and the Elyria Chronicle-Telegram.
The Morning-Journal published two articles on the ad - on Tuesday and again on Wednesday. The second article included a response from Lundy in which he still claimed to be "a strong supporter of the Second Amendment", but failed to offer an explanation for why his pro-self-defense survey answers were opposite of his current anti-self-defense position against restaurant carry legislation.
On Thursday, April 28, The Morning-Journal editors published an editorial calling Lundy to account for his duplicity.
From the editorial"
Because Matt Lundy is an Elyria Democrat representing Lorain County's moderately Republican 57th Ohio House District, he seeks endorsements from conservative groups. But his endorsement last year from the Buckeye Firearms Association has come back to bite him.
Lundy won the endorsement by stating in the group's candidate questionnaire he would support concealed handgun reforms as a legislator. Those reforms have been addressed in House Bill 45.
The measure, which has been approved by the Ohio Senate, would allow concealed handgun license holders to carry their weapon into restaurants. It also changes Ohio's rules for transporting a gun in a vehicle.
By answering "yes" to two questions dealing with these issues, Lundy got the group's endorsement last fall. In reality, Lundy voted against HB 45 in committee and plans to do the same when it comes up for a vote in the House.
Lundy's flip-flop prompted the Buckeye Firearms Organization to take out local newspaper ads this week, headlined, "Matt Lundy LIED!" along with how he responded to the two questions.
Question 15 asked if Lundy would support legislation to remove "confusing and unnecessary car carry restrictions." He answered "yes." On Question 16, dealing with allowing those with concealed gun licenses to carry a firearm into "restaurants and other locations that serve alcohol," Lundy said, "Yes. But only if the license holder is not consuming alcohol, intoxicated, or under the influence."
That was different from what Lundy was saying this week about why he's not supporting HB 45. He said his concerns were not with licensed gun owners, but that "someone will take the gun away from them."
That's weaseling. Lundy should have made that point on the questionnaire and permit the association's leadership to decide if he merited their endorsement. Voters in the 57th District also need to decide if Lundy's duplicity over that endorsement merits their concern.
Related Articles:
Matt Lundy is a liar: Democrat panders to gun owners in order to earn good grades and endorsements
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