
It's election time in Ohio again, and the OFCC PAC needs your help!

For those of you who are new to this website, a brief Election Season history is in order: A little over one year ago, several OFCC members formed the OFCC Political Action Committee ( ). Time was critical - there were only 60 days before the November 2002 elections. We told potential supporters that the time was ripe to make a difference, and to reinforce the General...

U.S. Senator: Prosecute crime — not guns

January 29, 2004 Deseret News WASHINGTON — Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch says new Justice Department figures support longtime GOP claims that the best way to fight violence with guns is not to outlaw the guns, but to prosecute criminals. Data released Wednesday showed that as federal prosecution of gun crimes increased 68 percent from three years ago under the Bush...

Op-Ed: If the media is watching Big Brother, who is watching them?

January 30, 2004 by Gerard Valentino The recent debate over public records provisions in Ohio's concealed carry law sent the media into full blown fits about infringing freedom of the press and their self-proclaimed position as protectors of the common person from abuses by Big Brother. Hearing them describe their defense of the commoner conjures up images of valiant crusades headed by knights in...

Letter to the Editor: There won't be any shootouts

January 30, 2004 Akron Beacon Journal The only thing loaded about the concealed-weapon issue is the media and certain elected officials. The Jan. 9 story about the new Ohio law ("Concealed guns a loaded issue'') amazed me. Too bad I have to wait until April for the shootouts in the streets. Our elected officials and the Beacon Journal insult all Ohioans with the assumption that we can't be...

Letters to the Editor: Toledo Blade's concealed carry law attitude patronizing

January 30, 2004 Toledo Blade I was offended by your "we know what is really good for you attitude." You spoke harshly and inanely against the concealed-carry law just passed in Ohio. When was the last time any of you walked the mean streets of Toledo? Those of us who live and work in Toledo have been under fire from the criminals for a very long time, and it seems to be intensifying. If I, for...

Cincy Post editorial highlights failure of Ohio gun control laws

01-28-2004 Cincinnati Post Getting weapons off the streets The value of equipping police with non-lethal weapons has been shown at least twice this month. Last week, Cincinnati police successfully used a stun gun on a suspect who was reaching for a gun as he struggled with officers who had run him down in a foot chase. It was the type of situation that could easily enough have forced officers to...

Cincinnatians ask ''why can't the police control this?''

January 28, 2004 Cincinnati Enquirer WEST END - Mary Lockett's Dayton Street home in the West End has been broken into five times since Thursday. align="right"> The burglars took countless items, including jewelry, china dishes and other family heirlooms. They were even bold enough to smoke half a pack of cigarettes and devour a pot of chili that was sitting on her stove. "I want to find out...

Ohio Attorney General's office issues overview/Q & A documents on new CHL law

The Ohio Attorney General's office is currently in the process of preparing for the state's new concealed handgun license (CHL) law to take effect on April 7. One of the first actions by the AG have been to summarize the main provisions of the law, and to answer the most frequently asked questions about how the law will be implemented. This effort has been excellent as a means of putting to rest...

Ohio Concealed Carry Education Foundation Established

CONTACT: [email protected] CLEVELAND, Jan 29 – Ohioans For Concealed Carry, Ohio’s largest grassroots concealed carry rights organization, announced the formation of the OFCC Education Foundation. The new organization is responsible for the state’s largest concealed carry training network. “When we started Ohioans For Concealed Carry our long term plans always...

Taft spinners trying to put a new face on years of anti-self-defense rhetoric

Whether a student or not, campus journalism is always good for a read...and sometimes good for a laugh. But as we read this story from the student voice of the Ohio State University, we're not laughing at the writer. Instead, we're laughing at Bob Taft's sudden conversion into a concealed carry advocate. What to do about concealed guns Taft hopes to ease concerns The (OSU) Lantern (to read the...

Freud does journalism?

Recently, asute readers have been treated to a couple of tasty freudian slips in mentions of Ms. Toby Hoover's personal anti-gun campaign, the Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence. In a recent article, an OSU Lantern writer referred to Hoover's group as the Ohio Coalition Against Gun Control , and said Hoover "would applaud Taft's efforts on initiating background checks, only if he plans to update...

Deja vu all over again: ''Million'' Mommer trying to scare businesses with op-ed

Crain's Cleveland Business editors and "Million" Mom/ Brady Bunch Clevelander Lori O'Neill have quite a history together. In March of 2003, CCB editors published an editorial opposing the reformation of concealed carry laws in Ohio. This editorial bore striking similarity to a letter printed in multiple Ohio papers earier that month, written by Ms. O'Neill. Despite their recent legislative defeat...

Feds more concerned with right to privacy than state bureaucrats?

During the decade-long fight to restore Ohioans' self-defense rights, the gun ban lobby tried everything to derail the effort. At nearly every turn, the Ohio Senate and Gov. Taft seemed all too willing to let the opposition write our new law. One of the issues the extremists fought for was a background check that included scans for persons who were "mentally ill". As with all their roadblocks,...

More Senior Citizens Armed with Guns

January 25, 2004 KPLC TV - Lake Charles/Layfayette, LA The number of crimes involving firearms is down, but still in 2002, more than 350-thousand people were the victims of a gun crime. Some people have said "enough" and are fighting back and arming themselves. The majority of gun owners used to be mostly middle aged, but now, seniors -- those 65 and older -- are most likely to be armed. align="...

Zogby polls on voters' views on CCW & other firearm owners' rights

In a pre-9/11 poll, 67% of Ohioans said they preferred a CCW law that had training and background checks. Yet this isn't what we've been hearing from the gun ban lobby, now is it? After reading these results from Zogby, you'll have good reason to expect that 67% figure has gone up in Ohio, as the numbers have gone up nationwide. We certainly don't expect to be seeing these new findings in the...

Gun owner: I, not cops, got bad guy

Jan. 22, 2004 Chicago Sun-Times Three days after Christmas, someone broke into the DeMar family home in Wilmette through a dog door, stealing a television, an SUV and the keys to the home. The next night, Hale DeMar was prepared for a return visit. With his children upstairs, DeMar, 54, shot burglar Morio Billings, 31, in the shoulder and calf, police said. Billings was caught at a nearby...

Letter to the editor: Some gun bill provisions deserve to be repealed

Middletown Journal 01.17.04 Sour grapes. That’s what seeps out of the sardonic editorial (“Gun bill provisions will be next target”) in the Jan. 10 Journal. The most ludicrous of these “targeted provisions” in Ohio’s new concealed carry law is this one: Reporters are allowed to learn the names of permit-holders. Now why would our beloved newspaper object to this provision being removed from the...

Plain Dealer opinions spill onto news pages

Seemingly not content with their three editorials on the subject , the Cleveland Plain Dealer's latest rant about the open records issue and concealed carry is written in the form of "news". Concealing weapons & records 01/25/04 Julie Carr Smyth Columbus - A battle is under way in America over whether you deserve to know who is carrying a concealed handgun - and Ohio is at its heart. When Gov...

ABC News and 20/20 engage in a bit of truth-telling on guns

May wonders never cease. Nestled in amongst a 20/20 report on urban legends comes this little gem. So the question is, will ABC stop falsely reporting it? Lies, Myths and Downright Stupidity (John) Stossel's List of Popularly Reported Misconceptions Myth No. 3 — Guns are Bad America is notorious for its culture of gun violence. Guns sometimes do cause terrible harm, and many kids are killed every...

Cleveland lawyer shopping anti-self-defense op-ed

Attorney Stephanie E. Trudeau, a Cleveland employment and labor lawyer who can be reached at [email protected] or (216) 621-8400, has issued an anti-self-defense press release instructing businesses on the merits of banning licensees from carrying their firearms while at work, while shopping, or simply while visiting on business. This attorney's agenda is as transparent as it is one-sided. What...

Law enforcement cuts statewide - only YOU can protect you

Champaign County sheriff to cut force Tight budget blamed; 29 will lose jobs by month's end January 24, 2004 Cox News Service URBANA -- The Champaign County Sheriff's Office will lay off more than half its 52-member force at midnight Jan. 30, the sheriff said Friday night. Twenty-nine workers — including all lieutenants, sergeants, detectives and part-time employees — will be furloughed. "This is...

Toledo police: Self-defense a ''right'' you shouldn't exercise

January 23, 2004 Toledo Blade Carryout owners have the right to defend themselves with guns and baseball bats, if necessary, Toledo police Chief Michael Navarre said yesterday. The chief, speaking at a City Council hearing to a roomful of carryout owners, stressed that nonresistance is the best response to an armed robber. But pressed by business owners to explain their rights to use deadly force...

Cleveland gun grabbers using tragedy to call for waiting periods

When violent offenders strike in a high-profile fashion, the gun ban lobby's hypocracy comes in spades, especially, it would seem, in Cleveland. In the wake of the Case Western Reserve University shooting last year, in spite of the fact that it was the Million Mom March who held a tasteless press conference before the victim of the shooting was even laid to rest, a headline in the Cleveland Plain...

‘Dispatch’ just a shill for gun-ban lobbies

January 23, 2004 Columbus Dispatch I knew that the editors of The Dispatch were upset about the signing of the concealed-carry bill, as was demonstrated by the Jan. 11 editorials. I did not realize that the whine of the editors was made from so many sour grapes ("2 city gun stores among leaders in sales to criminals, group says," Dispatch article, Jan. 13). I will expect that any time one of the...

Letter to the Editor: Concealed-carry law welcomed by many

January 23, 2004 Dayton Daily News RE "TAFT SOLD OUT GOOD GOVERNMENT," JAN.9: Once again the Dayton Daily News has come to the debate without evidence. The editorial suggests that Gov. Bob Taft caved in to the gun lobby. That is just silly rhetoric. The debate is no longer about if people licensed to carry will have shoot-outs over parking spots, or use a gun in a domestic dispute, or shoot an...

Concealed weapons: Why do people want to carry?

January 22, 2004 Newark Advocate HEBRON -- A retired police officer, a Zanesville bar owner and a construction worker who spends a lot of time on the road have this in common: They each plan to get a concealed gun permit and say the number one reason they will start carrying a weapon is for personal protection. "I do a lot of time on the road. You never know where you might end up," said Dave...

Letter to the Editor: Ohio’s gun-death data questionable, at best

January 22, 2004 Columbus Dispatch Why would The Dispatch publish the Jan. 9 article with the headline "Ohio fares poorly on firearms safety"? This headline would have summarized the article much better: "Groups that wish to ban private firearms ownership unhappy with Ohioans exercising constitutionally protected rights." Between 2000, when Ohio had a C rating, and 2004, when Ohio received a D,...

Skeptic Gives Guns a Shot

The firearms issue looks a little different from behind the trigger. COMMENTARY By Diana Wagman Guns are bad. All my life, it's been that simple. At my son's preschool, if a child pointed a banana and said "bang," he was admonished to "use the banana in a happier way." As far as I was concerned, the 2nd Amendment gave us the right to protect ourselves against invading armies, not the right to buy...

Letter to the Editor: Scream their rage

January 21, 2004 Middletown Journal ‘Scream their rage’ Newspapers across the state have used their editorial page to scream their rage at passage of Ohio’s new concealed carry law. Many predict blood in the streets, shoot-outs among family members, increased accidents, etc. Proponents of these crime-deterrent laws have pointed to other states (as examples of how this doesn’t happen) until they...

Guest Op-Ed: Concealed Carry – As Good As It Gets

2004 OFCC PAC endorsee Jean Schmidt (currently a state representative), is running to replace Senator Doug White in District 14. Guest Column By State Representative Jean Schmidt January 12, 2004 Do you remember the movie As Good as it Gets ? The message of the film was that we seldom get what we want and usually settle for a lot less due to circumstances we cannot control. The same could be said...


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