
Ohio’s Fall Turkey Hunting Season Opens October 9

Fall wild turkey hunting opens in 48 Ohio counties on Saturday, October 9, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR), Division of Wildlife. The season continues through Sunday, November 28. "Summer brood observation data are still being analyzed, but the 2010 hatch appeared to be a little better than last year," said Wildlife Biologist Mike Reynolds. "Acorns appear to be...

Elderly church members gunned down after exiting Youngstown worship services

by Chad D. Baus The Associated Press is reporting that a Youngstown church community haunted by the parking-lot shooting death of an 80-year-old member in January is now mourning the killing of another elderly parishioner minutes after leaving church. From the article : Someone fired up to a dozen shots at Thomas Repchic, 75, as he drove from church Saturday with his 74-year-old wife, who was...

Columbus Mayor Coleman trots out Mayors Against Illegal Guns "study" in latest call to overturn preemption law

by Chad D. Baus and Ken Hanson A report released by billionaire New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg's gun control front group, Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG), has received excessive coverage from its willing friends in the media this week, and is being used by Columbus Mayor Michael Coleman as "proof" of the need to overturn Ohio's statewide preemption law that prohibits city governments from...

Early voting begins: Review our Pro Gun Voter Guide before casting your vote!

Early voting, also called Absentee voting, starts on September 28, 2010. Any registered voter in Ohio can vote early. You simply need to apply for an absentee ballot. If you live in Hamilton, Franklin, Montgomery, Cuyahoga, Madison, or Mahoning county, the Board of Elections is mailing an absentee voter application to you. Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to vote early. If you...

Media brings gun issue to forefront in campaign coverage; Latest poll shows gubernatorial race tightening

by Chad D. Baus For much of the 2010 campaign season, the economy has dominated voters' thoughts as to their plans for the voting booth - far outweighing factors that often make the difference in close elections. But with The Dayton Daily News reporting that poll numbers between John Kasich and Ted Strickland have closed to within just four points , the gun issue could again become a deciding...

Custom Pro-Gun Voter Guide for Ohio

Use this handy tool to create a Custom Voter Guide for your district. Follow the directions below carefully. You'll get a list of candidates who will be on your ballot, along with our grades and endorsements. You can then print your custom voter guide for reference on election day. Privacy Assured: We do not collect any information with this tool. EXAMPLES John Smith 1252 Main St Anytown OH 45123...

Police charge five "legal" open carry citizens in Wisconsin - victims need your support

by Ken Hanson UPDATE: Our supporters have once again shattered all of our expectations. The $2,500 dollar matching fund was exhausted in just a few hours. We have already written a check for $7,500 to help the victims fight this police harassment. If you wish to donate to Buckeye Firearms Foundation's general fund for future cases please visit: UPDATE #2: Wisconsin...

Ohio Chapter Coordinators Needed to Fight Hunger

Volunteer to make a difference The Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR), Division of Wildlife has collaborated with Farmers and Hunters Feeding the Hungry (FHFH) in an effort to assist with the processing costs associated with donating venison to Ohio food banks. "Last year's effort in Ohio was great, with 44 of Ohio's 88 counties receiving part of the 122,221 pounds of donated meat," said...

Texas bank posts sign encouraging concealed carry

The Brenham Banner-Press in Texas reported recently that a bank in Chappell Hill, TX (about half-way between Houston and Austin) removed a "no-guns" sign over the summer and put up a sign of an altogether different kind. From the article : Any would-be robbers looking to walk into the bank here had best think twice. There's a new sign in town. About a month ago, Chappell Hill Bank president...

NWTF will host 39 Get Outside Events on National Hunting and Fishing Day Sept. 25

On Sept. 25, millions of Americans will celebrate some of the nation's proudest traditions in the field and on the water during National Hunting and Fishing Day. The official "holiday" is the perfect chance for America's more than 38 million hunters and anglers to get outside and hunt or fish and invite someone new to experience the outdoors. To help introduce newcomers to outdoors, chapters from...

BFA's Larry S. Moore named National Wild Turkey Federation/ Women in the Outdoors Hunter Education Instructor of the Year

Buckeye Firearms Regional Leader volunteer Larry Moore was recently recognized by the National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF) and Women in the Outdoors (WITO) as Hunter Education Instructor of the Year. The award was presented at the River Valley Longbeards annual banquet. Presenting the award was WITO Coordinator Anthony Brooks who noted, "Moore drives here to teach at our WITO event every year...

Good Samaritan couple with Ohio concealed carry licenses stop beating

Cleveland area media are reporting that Wadsworth police are crediting a gun-carrying couple for helping them catch a man who was allegedly beating his girlfriend in a parking lot in front of her two small children. From NewsChannel5 (Cleveland's ABC affiliate) : Officers said the couple pulled into the Wadsworth McDonald's on High Street Sunday and saw a man hitting a woman in another vehicle...

Cleveland announces "voluntary" handgun registration - help us tell them "NO!"

According to, "Cleveland residents who want to register their handguns can do so 24 hours a day, seven days a week." Let that idea sink in for a moment. Cleveland has launched a voluntary handgun registration program. For what purpose? Are they expecting criminals to register their guns? Not likely. And if any law-abiding citizens register, what will authorities do with the information?...

Vote your conscience

by Jeff Knox I've told this story before, but I think it's worth repeating. I started carrying on a regular basis over 25 years ago while I was a college student in Prescott, Arizona. I rented a room in the back of Bucky O'Neill Sporting Goods and worked part-time for J. & G. Sales, the firearms wholesaler. Guns had always been an important part of my life and that was especially true in...

More Evidence That More Guns Equals Less Crime

by Don Kates (reprinted with permission) In 1997 University of Chicago economists John Lott and David Mustard published comprehensive data which showed that in the preceding 25 years in which more and more states had enacted laws requiring police to license all sane and non-criminal applicants to carry concealed weapons (CCW laws) violent crime had sharply fallen in those states. Lott &...

Killer Empowerment Zones

Editor's Note: This article first appeared at , and is being republished with permission of the author. by Ron Borsch The November 5th 2009 Ft. Hood TX rapid mass murder incident, as tragic as it was, should have some resultant positive ripple effects. The extended coverage time in the media commanded public attention toward two important areas that were previously not made...

NRA-PVF Endorses Rob Portman for U.S. Senate in Ohio

The National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) has announced its endorsement of Rob Portman for U.S. Senate. "I am honored to receive the endorsement of the NRA Political Victory Fund," said Rob Portman. "Our 2nd Amendment rights are under attack by forces in Washington that want to limit our Constitutional rights. I will continue fighting to protect and strengthen the rights of...

Obama reveals anti-gun U.N. intent: Sends ex-Seattle mayor as Rep

The appointment of anti-gun rights former Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels as an alternate representative to the United Nations has removed any doubt about the Obama administration's intentions regarding global gun control initiatives, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today. Nickels, a founding member of Mayors Against Illegal Guns and the author of Seattle's failed...

Portman campaign issues Second Amendment-related campaign flyer

by Chad D. Baus Rob Portman, former Congressman and current Republican candidate for U.S. Senate, has begun distributing literature designed to inform voters about his record on the issue of gun rights. The flyer begins by pointing out Portman's strong history of support for Second Amendment-related issues, and grading resume from than National Rifle Association over his entire 12 years in...

Success marks 2nd anniversary of Castle Doctrine in Ohio; More work to be done

by Gerard Valentino Two years ago Ohio enacted Castle Doctrine self-defense reform despite the opposition of nearly all the mainstream media outlets and anti-gun forces statewide. The law returned the presumption of innocence to law-abiding citizens if they use deadly force after someone unlawfully enters their home, car or place of business. Once again the anti-gun coalitions predicted that law-...

Gov. Strickland calls for passage of restaurant carry in campaign letter; Contrasts record with his Republican opponent

by Chad D. Baus Governor Ted Strickland, in a letter mailed today on Sportsmen for Strickland letterhead, said "I look forward to signing Restaurant Carry legislation." The letter, addressed to "Ohio Gun Owners," documents the progress the administration has made for gun owners over the past three and a half years. Working with you, we have made great strides to defend freedom. My commitment to...

Ignorance, Apathy and Emotion Destroying America

by Jeff Knox By reading this column you prove yourself to be an exception to the rule. You are an exception because you are doing things that most people don't do or are not doing yet. First off, you are reading which is becoming exceptional all by itself, but not only are you reading, you are reading about politics and it's still several weeks before a major election. On top of that, you are...

Supporters from 16 states attend 2010 "Bullet-Proofing the Mind" seminar

by Chad D. Baus Approximately 300 men and women gathered together in Strongsville, OH on Saturday, September 11 for the annual Buckeye Firearms Association "Bullet-Proofing the Mind" seminar, presented by Lt. Col. Dave Grossman. This year's event was especially meaningful, having been held on the 9th anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the Pentagon and World Trade Center. The morning began...

Early voting begins in two weeks

The countdown to Election Day - 48 days away - will go by very quickly. Election Day offers a clear-cut finish line, but in reality voting is set to begin in just two weeks, on September 28! Ohio law now allows for any registered voter to request an absentee ballot and vote by mail. This convenience is now open to all Ohio voters and eliminates concerns about getting to the polls or waiting in...

Crime Rates Continued to Fall as Firearm Sales Soared in '09

The National Shooting Sports Foundation is reporting that, even as firearms and ammunition experienced record sales in 2009, the nation's crime rates continued to fall, according to new report from the FBI. "During 2009, violent crime declined for the third straight year, with an estimated 5.3 percent drop from 2008 figures. Homicides were down 7.3 percent. The FBI statistics undermine a favorite...

Task Force 20-20 Launches 'Take Me Hunting, Take Me Shooting' Campaign with Support from NSSF

Task Force 20-20, the committee formed at the NSSF Shooting Sports Summit to evaluate opportunities to grow hunting and the shooting sports, will begin testing its first initiative—a coordinated marketing effort in selected states designed to reactivate lapsed hunters and shooters. The Task Force 20-20 steering committee has approved piloting the "Take Me Hunting/Take Me Shooting" campaign this...

Husted campaign issues Second Amendment-related campaign flyer comparing differences with his opponent

by Chad D. Baus State Sen. Jon Husted, former Speaker of the House and current Republican candidate for Ohio Secretary of State, has begun distributing literature designed to inform voters about the stark difference between himself and his Democrat opponent on the issue of gun rights. The flyer begins by pointing out Sen. Husted's strong grading and endorsement resume from gun rights groups: "...

The Uninvited Ombudsman Report, No. 90 - Hidden Firearms Threat

Taken from the most recent "Page Nine", Alan Korwin's "The Uninvited Ombudsman Report" -------- 1- Hidden Firearms Threat The lamestream media told you: Nothing. The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that: The two plants that make smokeless powder in the U.S. are the General Dynamics plant in St. Marks, Florida (manufactures for Hogdon and Winchester, plus military contracts), and the Alliant...

August sees 4.6% jump in firearm sales from same period one year ago

The FBI has released its National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) figures for August 2010. NSSF-adjusted figures (718,971) show a 4.6 percent increase over August of last year (687,252). The adjusted NICS data were derived by NSSF by subtracting out NICS purpose-code permit checks used by several states such as Kentucky and Utah for CCW permit application checks as well as checks...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.