
Another Ohio sheriff calls for citizens to obtain concealed carry licenses

In the days following the terrorist attack in San Bernadino, CA, several law enforcement officials across the nation, and at least two sheriffs in Ohio , made news by urging citizens to obtain concealed handgun licenses to protect against terror. A Buckeye Firearms Association supporter from Seneca County forwarded an article about this important turn of events to his sheriff, William Eckelberry...

Senate Candidate P.G. Sittenfeld (D) Proposes Ohio Constitutional Amendment to Infringe Constitutional Rights

COLUMBUS, OH - Working with anti-gun activists, U.S. Senate candidate P.G. Sittenfeld has called for a constitutional amendment to repeal Ohio's preemption law which prohibits cities from enacting laws that are more strict than state law. "It's a ridiculous proposal," said Dean Rieck, Executive Director of Buckeye Firearms Association. "Preemption was a solution to a serious problem in Ohio where...

Stay in the Fight: Practice Odd Position Shooting

It’s been a little more than five years since two officers were shot in a dramatic gunfight in a trailer park in Enon, Ohio. The gunfight is even more remarkable when considering that there was a photographer on scene taking photos as the shots rang out. This photo was taken as one of the officers was being shot and falling to the ground. Bullets generally don’t make people fall. They don’t knock...

State legislators get creative in highlighting gun ban extremists' hypocrisy

It isn't often that legislators get the opportunity to display gun ban extremists' hypocrisy so succinctly as they have in two recent examples, one in Virginia and one in South Carolina. First, there has been a lot of news coverage of a decision by Virginia's state's attorney general to rescind the reciprocity agreements between the Commonwealth and 25 other states, as well as a move a week...

Op-Ed: 90% Don’t Want More Background Checks

The number is far smaller, and Americans oppose Obama's gun control agenda Gun control advocates like President Obama keep claiming that 80 to 90 percent of Americans are in favor of expanded background check legislation. Only, it’s not true. Liberal fact checkers were less than thrilled with any objections to this false orthodoxy. PolitiFact’s Lauren Carroll cites a series of polls from...

Open Carry vs. Concealed Carry - A Question of Tactics

A very common question or debate is concerning the right to open carry firearms. Here in Ohio, it is legal. Texas just passed a law allowing open carry. Internet forums about firearms dedicate entire threads to the topic of open carry. My opinion begins with: open carry is not a right, it is a tactic. The 2nd Amendment covers my rights and to me it is very clear that I have the right to keep and...

HB 48 (Eliminate many 'no-guns' victim zones) scheduled for sponsor testimony in Senate committee

Chairman William Coley, II has announced that the Senate Government Oversight and Reform Committee will be hearing sponsor testimony on House Bill 48 (Eliminate many 'no-guns' victim zones) on Wednesday, January 27 at 8:45 a.m. in the South Hearing Room. As passed by the House, HB 48 seeks to restore Ohioans' right to carry in day-care facilities (unless they post "no-guns"), private airplanes,...

Polls: Americans Oppose Unilateral Actions on Guns; Skeptical of Federal Government and Gun Controls

Despite a highly-publicized speech and a multi-week media blitz aimed at convincing the American people of the importance and legitimacy of President Barack Obama’s executive maneuvers on gun control, the American people remain unpersuaded. Polls show that Americans are unconvinced about the effectiveness of further gun control measures and are in opposition to Obama’s decision to work outside...

Anti-Gunners Endorse Hillary Clinton for President

You can judge a presidential candidate by the company she keeps. [Recently], Democrat Hillary Clinton received endorsements from the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, Americans for Responsible Solutions, and former Attorney General Eric Holder. All are in lock step with the gun control agenda President Obama has pursued during his second term of office, and the plan Clinton has laid out in...

Chris Cox: Why we can't trust the CDC with gun research

It's not public safety that gun-research advocates really care about. Anti-gun lawmakers have embarked on a national gun control campaign backed by New York City billionaire Michael Bloomberg. Realizing that many of their constituents do not support more gun control, anti-gun advocates in Congress are looking for creative methods to change public opinion. What better way than under the auspices...

Pro-gun Ted Strickland: Remember when?

Former congressman and Ohio governor Ted Strickland wants to be a U.S. Senator. His "problem?" He's spent a life-time representing the pro-gun rights values of his constituents, both in Washington D.C. and in the governor's mansion...and he's a Democrat. Now that he is running for a statewide office on the ;Democrats' ticket, Strickland has determined that he needs to shore up his base by running...

NSSF Publishes Open Letter to President Obama in Washington Post

On Wednesday, January 20, the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) placed a prominent full-page ad in the Washington Post in response to President Obama’s ongoing attacks on the men and women of America’s firearms and ammunition industry. Read the Open Letter to President Obama : An Open Letter to President Obama From the Employees of America’s Firearms and Ammunition Industry Dear Mr...

Announcing the 2016 PREPPERS BALL with former Browns player Bob Golic as Emcee

REALIZE firearms awareness coalition ( is a pro 2A, pro education 501c3 not for profit group working out of Portage and Summit County in Northern Ohio. They host a variety of free educational events open to the public with the focus on making firearms (in a positive light) a household word. To do that, they host seminars, two radio shows and hold an annual fundraising /...

Your Tactical Training Scenario - Castle Doctrine

Let’s talk a little bit about “Castle Doctrine”. In this case , the homeowner shot an intruder who was unarmed and may not have been a true lethal force threat. Despite the shooting of an unarmed man, the homeowner will likely not be criminally charged. Here’s how it works... In general, in order to shoot someone (regardless of location), you need to have a reasonable belief that your attacker is...

News station puts "active killer vs. good guy with a gun" theory to the test

In the wake of high-profile active killer events, gun ban extremists are quick to claim that making it harder for peaceable gun owners to obtain firearms is the "answer" to stop mass killings. Gun rights advocates, on the other hand, are quick to note that having armed citizens on scene when the shooting starts, rather than waiting for other armed citizens with badges to come later, can reduce...

Voters catching on to gun control's absurdity

Two separate polls, both sponsored by Big Media agencies that are not historically friendly to guns and gun owners, were recently released, and the results are encouraging. Polls commissioned by ABC News and the Washington Post and by CBS News and the New York Times both found that a majority of Americans oppose the idea of banning so-called “assault weapons.” Perhaps people are realizing that...

Time is Running Out - Register to Vote!

If you have not voted in the past four years, if you have moved, or if you need to register to vote for some other qualifying reason, please act quickly as you must register no later than 30 days prior to the election. The last day to register to vote for the upcoming March 15 Presidential primary election is February 16, 2016. Because the number of Ohioans who go to the polls on primary day is...

I Trust You - With a Gun or a Car

Over the Christmas weekend my wife and I spent some time on the road traveling to visit family and friends. As usual, I was driving about 5 miles per hour over the posted speed limit of 65, and I assume the cars coming from the other direction were doing about the same, which reminded me of an analogy I have often used when talking about trust, responsible behavior and the different perceptions...

Ohio court reverses Portage Co. sheriff's denial of concealed handgun license to "legally blind" gun owner

On December 22, 2015, the Portgage County Court of Common Pleas reversed the decision of Sheriff David Doak to deny a concealed handgun license (CHL) application because the applicant is disabled by being visually impared. According to the ruling, the plaintiff, William Robinson, IV filed an application with the sheriff for a CHL. He acknowledged that he was legally blind, and the sheriff denied...

Obama Misleads, Cites Bogus Data at CNN “Town Hall”

On Thursday, January 7, President Barack Obama appeared in the CNN-produced “Guns in America,” an invitation-only “town hall” held on the campus of George Mason University in Fairfax, Va. Immediately following the forum, CNN shifted to several pundits who offered their analysis of the event. On hand was former Obama administration “Special Advisor for Green Jobs” Van Jones, who, perhaps...

Ohio Sen. Sherrod Brown joins Democrats seeking to suspend constitutional right on the basis of suspicion alone

Editor's Note: U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown of Ohio, pictured above with President Obama and Senate candidate Ted Strickland, recently made news for backing legislation that would mandate that a person's placement on the federal government’s no-fly list would not be legally allowed to purchase guns. Brown has failed to respond to a Twitter challenge by @BuckeyeFirearms to name other constitutional...

Polls Show Americans Reject So-Called “Assault Weapons” Ban

Just as anti-gun advocates are happily misconstruing the Supreme Court’s recent decision not to hear a case challenging a local ban on popular semi-automatic firearms as pointing to a way forward for gun control, available evidence shows that the American people reject such measures in record numbers. [Recently] we brought attention to a New York Times/ CBS News poll conducted December 4-8, which...

Meet Division of Wildlife Chief Ray Petering

Ray Petering joined the Classic Country Outdoors radio show hosts, myself and David Linkhart, prior to officially assuming the duties as Chief of the ODNR Division of Wildlife. We have known Petering from his previous work with the Division. He retired from the ODNR Division of Wildlife in 2011 as the executive administrator of fish management and research. Petering continued his association with...

Hunters Encouraged to Attend Ohio's Deer Hunting Summits

COLUMBUS, OH - Ohio hunters and others interested in the state’s white-tailed deer management programs have the opportunity to provide feedback about hunting regulations and season structures in central Ohio on Saturday, Jan. 23, and in northeast Ohio on Saturday, Jan. 30, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR). After input from last year’s deer summits and considering...

BOOK REVIEW: The Handgun Guide for Women

As a longtime shooter (for approximately 55-years now) I've read my share of books about the various aspects of firearms, ownership and shooting. I've been primarily focused on hunting and the shotgun sports, but when concealed carry became law in Ohio tactical shooting entered the picture. As a member of the Outdoor Writers of Ohio, I've been asked to judge writing contests and review many...

Reality Check: Is President Obama "All Talk" When It Comes To Enforcing Gun Prosecutions?

President Obama got emotional talking about the need for gun reform last week...but is the President "all talk" on this issue... and instead of creating executive orders, why doesn't his administration start enforcing existing gun laws? This is a Reality Check you won't see anywhere else.

Judges already have tools to keep guns from abusers

Editor's Note: The following article was originally published in the Columbus Dispatch and on in Agust 2014. It is republished in response to news that Rep. Nickie Antonio (D) plans to introduce state legislation that would bar individuals convicted of domestic violence crimes from possessing guns. Recently, Everytown for Gun Safety published a report in support of new gun-...

In the wake of San Bernadino terror attack, December 2015 firearms sales jump 37.6% over prior year

In the wake of the December 2 terrorist attack in San Bernadino, CA, firearms retailers and concealed carry instructors reported a marked increase in business, as more and more people came to realize that the federal government has failed in it's primary job of protecting the homeland from attack. The numbers are now in, and the jump was sizeable. The December 2015 NSSF-adjusted National Instant...

SHOCK: Man obtains 17 firearms in less than two minutes without background check

To listen to President Obama and his gun ban extremist friends tell it, all we have to do to keep criminals from gaining access to firearms is to mandate that a background check be done before all transfers of firearms. Pass "universal" background checks, we're told, close the "gun show loophole," we're told, and we can stop mass shootings! Indeed, the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV)...

Columbus homeowner defends life from armed home-invaders; Dead attacker once charged with shooting friend in face

Columbus media are reporting that a homeowner is safe after having been forced to use a firearm to defend their life from two armed attackers during an attempted home invasion. From WCMH (NBC Columbus): According to the Columbus Division of Police, at about 2:13 a.m., officers responded to the report of shots fired in the area of 2993 Howey Road. When police arrived on scene they found 21-year-...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.