VICTIM ZONES: Three Columbus Fifth Thirds robbed in same day
This bank chain is one of several hundred unsafe businesses listed on OFCC's Do Not Patronize While Armed database.
August 24, 2004
Columbus Dispatch
It was a bad day for Fifth Third Bank, with three of its branches across Columbus hit by bandits yesterday, the FBI and police said.
The robberies began about 9:40 a.m., when a man entered the Fifth Third at 1340 Bethel Rd., asked for coin-roll wrappers and then told the teller he was robbing the bank.
The teller gave him money from the drawer and the robber fled. No weapon was seen, the FBI said.
The next Fifth Third to be robbed was at 180 E. Broad St. Downtown. At 12:54 p.m., a man gave a teller a note demanding money.
The man fled with the money and no weapon was seen.
The third robbery happened at 1:33 p.m., when a man entered the Fifth Third Bank at 809 S. High St. in German Village, and gave a teller a note demanding money. Again, no weapon was seen and the man left with money.
"We don’t know if they are related or not," FBI agent Harry Trombitas said.
Authorities wouldn’t say how much money was taken in any of the robberies.
Columbus has had 38 bank robberies this year, detectives said.
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