The company he keeps: John McCain names Mike DeWine as Ohio campaign chair
By Chad D. Baus
Little more than three months after the anti-gun incumbent Mike DeWine lost the support of his conservative base and was tossed out of office, the Associated Press is reporting that Republican Senator John McCain has decided DeWine is the perfect man to lead his Presidential campaign in Ohio.
They make quite a pair.
McCain, who has favored outlawing inexpensive handguns (dubbed Saturday night specials by the anti-gun media), favored mandating safety locks on certain guns, and who once rallied Senate Republicans behind a Democratic measure requiring background checks at gun shows, is already on extremely shaky ground with skeptical gun owners in his party. His choice of may well cement their opposition.
Mike DeWine supported the Brady-backed Clinton Assault Weapons Ban (in 1999 McCain told the LATimes he was "open to voting for an assault weapon ban, depending on the details."), and took the Brady position in opposition to legislation which barred gun manufacturers, distributors, dealers or importers from frivolous lawsuits designed to put them out of business.
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