NBC Cleveland: City Police do not support Mayor's defiance of state law
Toledo and Columbus no longer enforcing failed local gun control laws
On Wednesday, March 14, Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson announced that he would defy the will of the Ohio General Assembly as expressed in HB347 - legislation which made all firearms laws uniform across the Buckeye State.
At a press conference staged at the Police Briefing Room, Jackson told reporters that he will ignore state law, ordering city police to continue to enforce the city's useless gun control laws while he wastes tax payer dollars pursuing yet another doomed 'Home Rule' lawsuit.
Not even Jackson's own police department is supportive of his decision. NBC Cleveland's WKYC.com is reporting the city's police union is not pleased with Jackson's order to ignore HB347, and that union president expressed support of the General Assembly's decision to remove the ridiculous 'plain sight' requirement for CHL-holders in motor vehicles.
While officials from both Columbus and Toledo say they are considering their own lawsuits, they have announced that they will comply with state law and stop enforcing their useless gun control laws (as if they ever were).
That's right, just 20 months after NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre declared "when freedom comes back to Columbus, we will come back to Columbus," the city's Mentel Ban is dead.
Following are links to news stories, including audio and video, covering the Mayor's desperate move.
Associated Press:
Cleveland Plain Dealer:
Columbus Dispatch:
WKSU.org (NPR Kent):
WKYC.com (NBC Cleveland):
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