The Uninvited Ombudsman Report, No. 85 - Obama State Department moves to ban importation of M1 Garand & M1 Carbine
Taken from the most recent "Page Nine", Alan Korwin's "The Uninvited Ombudsman Report"
1- State Department Infringement
The lamestream media told you:
The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:
I've just learned from a highly placed and reliable personal source that, in a quiet move to restrict gun ownership, the Obama White House has directly instructed the State Department to do what's necessary to prevent predominantly WWII American firearms from being imported back into the United States.
Most imports are not under the jurisdiction of the State Dept., and are controlled by statute and regulations that require very public actions to change. This is another clandestine anti-gun-rights move being taken by the Obama administration, along with a series of treaties and U.N. plans to severely limit or ban American gun ownership.
The main effect of this move is, without fanfare or public attention, to stop the flow of fine M1 Garand and M1 carbine rifles into the hands of American citizens. The M1 is an affordable, accurate, dependable, and exceptionally well-made general-purpose American rifle. Made in .30 caliber, it was the first auto-loading rifle generally issued to the infantry of any nation.
I have not been able to determine the exact quantity of such rifles being held overseas, but the number is believed to be in the millions.
The Obama team in the White House has stunned observers with its eerie silence on so-called "gun control," or efforts to disarm the public. On taking office there was wide anticipation of major action is this area, to reflect the unmitigated anti-gun-rights records of Obama and his coterie. The gun-rights lobby has been hard pressed to explain the lull, pointing to a mere few slips of the tongue by the president, his attorney general or a few other top-level staffers. The Brady Campaign for the Promotion of Gun Violence has given the administration a rating of "F" on gun control, reflecting a virtually complete lack of publicly visible activity.
The most likely explanation probably includes the uproar over the federal health-care takeover, where no army of protestors had even existed or were poised for action, yet rose with tremendous fury in astonishing numbers. This group coalesced into the core of the now ubiquitous Tea Party.
Administration officials and Obama himself likely recognize that the backlash they would face if they publicly came after Americans' guns would make the health-care hurricane look like a mild summer breeze.
Obama though has announced plans to go after "criminal gun smuggling" with two international treaties that would bypass the U.S. Congress. Both treaties would introduce draconian levels of gun control and confiscation on Americans, despite administration promises otherwise. The CIFTA treaty terms are known and already analyzed. Under CIFTA, changing any feature on a firearm, like adding a sling or changing a sight without an undefined government "manufacturing" license, would subject a person to arrest. Reloading ammo would be similarly banned.
The U.N. treaty, being drafted in secret with cooperation from Hillary Clinton, can only be guessed at based on previous U.N. public-disarmament attempts. An international group, IAPCAR, has been formed under the leadership of Alan Gottlieb of the Second Amendment Foundation, to monitor and resist planned rights denials. The Uninvited Ombudsman report will feature those activities in the near future.
2- U.N. Firearms Trace
The lamestream media told you:
The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:
Connecticut-based National Shooting Sports Foundation has learned that the United Nations has filed what is apparently its first firearms trace request with U.S. authorities.
The move by the United Nations, whose so-called bill of rights doesn't recognize self defense, and which has long advocated for civilian disarmament, raises concerns: "Firearms trace data is a law enforcement tool to help aid in specific criminal investigations," according to NSSF Senior Vice President and General Counsel Lawrence G. Keane. "Our concerns with this trace request stem from U.N. efforts to impose arms trade control treaties that would lead to a ban on the civilian possession and ownership of firearms, possibly even in the United States despite Second Amendment protections and the recent Supreme Court decision (Heller v. District of Columbia) reaffirming that Americans have an individual right to keep and bear arms."
The trace request appears to have been an isolated incident but there is no way to know for certain. "We remain increasingly concerned that ongoing efforts to restrict or ban the civilian and private ownership of firearms taking place at the United Nations will severely restrict and frustrate the lawful international commerce in sporting firearms and ammunition products and undermine the United States' national sovereignty and America's cherished firearms freedoms protected by the Second Amendment and our hunting and shooting sports heritage," concluded Keane.
The Uninvited Ombudsman has been working on a report about the U.N.'s anti-rights activities in the gun debate, which is expected soon. The Second Amendment Foundation ( is leading an effort to coordinate nations against proposed U.N. sanctions restricting individual human rights.
4- Discreet vs. Concealed
The lamestream media told you:
Nothing, but firearm-permit holders are very concerned about this core issue.
The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:
Now that Arizona has broken ground with its new no-permit-needed Freedom To Carry law (effective 7/29/10, also called Constitutional Carry), efforts are underway to deny anti-rights bigots an upper hand in the battle of words that frames so many civil rights debates.
"Concealed carry," the term government prefers, implies you have something to hide," said numerous long-time permit holders. "Now that Arizona has normalized the right to keep and bear arms, it makes much more sense to always refer to discreet carry as discreet carry. Nothing requires you to be a showboat in your ownership or possession of any private property unless you want to be."
Writer and friend Don Kline insightfully notes that, "One thing I make a point of when discussing discreet carry is the fact that traditionally, and as a doctrine of law, tyrants would like us to forget we have a right to exercise our rights PRIVATELY. Being forced to carry openly if we carry at all is not only a violation of our right to bear arms, it is a violation of our right to privacy."
This point has been made in The Arizona Gun Owner's Guide for years, which noted that no-option open carry, despite its romantic appeal, is actually a reduction of your rights and makes it inconvenient to bear arms in many situations (p. 54).
"Paul Helmke and his ilk like to advance the theory that people have a right to know if someone around them is armed. They don't. They are already on notice that someone around them may be armed -- the Second Amendment and the Arizona Constitution places them on notice," Cline accurately observes. Helmke (leader of the Brady group) is merely posturing of course, and together with his scant membership hates knowing anyone has a firearm.
5- Campus Violence Rising?
The lamestream media told you:
"Report Details Rise In Targeted Campus Violence -- Targeted college campus violence, from serious assaults to the mass shootings at Virginia Tech in 2007, is up sharply over the past two decades. The number of cases rose from 40 during the 1980s to 79 in the 1990s and 83 since 2000, says a study issued Friday by the FBI, Secret Service and Education Department. The cause of the rise is unknown, though the report noted a dramatic rise in college-student enrollment in the past 20 years."
The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:
If criminal assaults on one million students rise from 40 per decade, to 80 per decade on two million students, there is no rise in the rate of assaults, students effected per capita, or ratio of safety students enjoy.
Associated Press reporter Pete Yost did acknowledge a "dramatic rise in college student enrollment" between the decades being studied, but failed to provide any information that would allow an intelligent person to make a meaningful comparison.
Very often this occurs because the agency that handed the prefabricated information to the "reporter" didn't include it, and the reporter did little but arrange to publish the government-funded-and-written handout. This did not prevent the reporter, the editor, or anyone in the wire-service chain of command out to the local outlets from proclaiming a rise in violence, which might have occurred, who knows.
If student enrollment more than doubled during the period, the rate of violence would have decreased. This type of mathematical ineptitude is unfortunately common for the AP and "news" outlets nationwide, leaving the public either uninformed or misinformed. The public, largely educated in government schools, typically does not notice, just like the media that propagates the trash in the first place.
10- 16,800 Firearms Careers
The lamestream media told you:
Unemployment is up, the economy is ailing, the nation is in difficult financial straights, banks are tanking and things don't look particularly good on the horizon, according to standardized mantra on evening "news" broadcasts.
The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- A newly commissioned report detailing the significant economic impact the firearms and ammunition industry has on the nation and each state's economy has been released by the National Shooting Sports Foundation, the trade association for the firearms and ammunition industry. Because the news involves the precious Second Amendment right of Americans to keep and bear arms, it was largely ignored by the lamestream media.
"During difficult economic times and high unemployment rates nationally, our industry actually grew and created 16,800 new, well-paying jobs," According to NSSF President Steve Sanetti.
The industry swelled its ranks from 166,200 jobs in 2008, to 183,424 jobs in 2009, during a time when jobs nationally were disappearing. President Obama and fear of his anti-rights policies provided some impetus for the growth. Gun shops nationwide feature his picture with the caption, "Salesman of the Year."
Salaries in the industry grew from $6,361,205,400 in 2008 to $8,210,881,000 in 2009, or more than $1.8 billion, which is a lot, according to leading experts.
The economic impact grew from $19 billion to nearly $27 billion during the period, which is also a lot.
The industry's contribution to the tax bases for 2008 to 2009 includes federal tax growth from $1,503,740,471 to $2,035,154,440, state taxes from $1,299,088,678 to $1,909,417,793 and excise taxes, the main contributor of wildlife conservation efforts from $327,070,867 to $450,177,780.
The economic growth coincided with the continued decline in accidental firearm-related deaths (more than a 60 percent decrease in the last 20 years) and a continued drop in crime rates nationally.
"In 2009 our industry increased its contribution to wildlife conservation by over 37.6 percent, which translates into sportsmen contributing more than $7.5 million dollars daily to conservation efforts," said NSSF Senior Vice President and General Counsel Lawrence G. Keane.
Members of NSSF went on to speak with members of Congress after the figures were announced, to help reduce harmful legislative meddling with the economy and our rights, and to encourage policies that advance the businesses and create new jobs.
(searchable by item number)
1- State Department Infringement
2- U.N. Firearms Trace
3- GLBT Discrimination Ignored
4- Discreet vs. Concealed
5- Campus Violence Rising?
6- Maybe Earthquakes Likely
7- Mysterious Tea Party
8- Government Extorts Toyota
9- Uninformed Immigration Stupidity
10- 16,800 Firearms Careers
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Thanks for reading!
Alan Korwin
The Uninvited Ombudsman
- 3497 reads