The Uninvited Ombudsman Report, No. 90 - Hidden Firearms Threat
Taken from the most recent "Page Nine", Alan Korwin's "The Uninvited Ombudsman Report"
1- Hidden Firearms Threat
The lamestream media told you:
The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:
The two plants that make smokeless powder in the U.S. are the General Dynamics plant in St. Marks, Florida (manufactures for Hogdon and Winchester, plus military contracts), and the Alliant plant in Connecticut (manufactures for the Alliant family, plus the Lake City Arsenal). All other powder used in the U.S. is imported (from Canada, Australia, Scandinavia, Israel and others). Two plants for the entire nation is not a very deep backup reserve. Any threats to these operations -- from government, law makers, activists, public pressure, enviro-wackos, islamists, etc., is a threat to us all. Thanks to Montana-based rights activist Gary Marbut for bringing this to my attention. We need to keep a careful eye on this.
8- McDonald Case Spins
The lamestream media told you:
WASHINGTON -- The McDonald v. Chicago Supreme Court case, which overturned Chicago's near total gun ban, hurt America. According to USA Today, which proclaims itself "The Nation's Newspaper," tells us in its headline that "Ruling tilts law against limits on guns." In the subhead we are assured, "Local restrictions across the USA are in jeopardy." Writers Joan Biskupic and Kevin Johnson note that the ruling, "clears the way for new challenges to firearms laws nationwide."
The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:
While an anti-freedom view of the world sees the McDonald v. Chicago case "tilting against limits," a moderate centrist American view would instead lead the story by noting, "Ruling tilts law in favor of Bill of Rights." The so-called "nation's newspaper" has never seen the right to keep and bear arms in that light, driving the majority of American's away from the paper and leading to enormous loss of credibility for the media.
Although USA Today sees its "restrictions in jeopardy," implying that valuable restrictions may be lost, a moderate American-values view would instead note that, "suppressed freedoms may be restored." Mainstream America clings hard and fast to its freedoms. The nation's media clings hard and fast to restrictions of those freedoms, and can't see the rift they help widen.
While Biskupic and Johnson see challenges to laws, the public sees elimination of bans on our rights. According to leading experts, the chances of helping reporters and editors see the light are nearly zero, making the "news" media one of the worst enemies of freedom the nation faces.
9- Firearms Lawsuit Filed
The lamestream media told you:
The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:
BELLEVUE, WA - The Second Amendment Foundation has filed a federal lawsuit against Westchester County, New York and its handgun permit licensing officers, seeking a permanent injunction against enforcement of a state law that allows carry licenses to be denied because applicants cannot show "good cause." Attorney Alan Gura, who won the McDonald case against Chicago, is among the lawyers working the case. SAF is fighting the gun-rights battle, one lawsuit at a time, with many already in the hopper. Details:
10- Cartel's American Grenades
The lamestream media told you:
Mexican drug cartels are getting their guns from U.S. gun stores, and lax gun laws in the U.S. are the main reason for the violence south of the border.
The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:
Casting doubt on this popular media myth, the Washington Post surprisingly reports that "Grenades made in the United States and sent to Central America during the Cold War have resurfaced as terrifying new weapons in almost weekly attacks by Mexican drug cartels.
"Sent a generation ago to battle communist revolutionaries in the jungles of Central America, U.S. grenades are being diverted from dusty old armories and sold to criminal mafias, who are using them to destabilize the Mexican government and terrorize civilians, according to U.S. and Mexican law enforcement officials...
"Grenades have killed a relatively small number of the 25,000 people who have died since Calderón launched his U.S.-backed offensive against the cartels. But the grenades pack a far greater psychological punch than the ubiquitous AK-47s..."
The Post failed to mention that America doesn't make AK-47s, that it's the communists' main gun. The American AR-15, also mentioned in the tale, are given to the Mexican army by U.S. tax dollars, where 18,000 soldiers deserted in 2008, with their gear.
"Not all grenades found in Mexico are American-made," the Post continues, spreading the blame. "Many are of Asian or Soviet and Eastern European manufacture, ATF officials said, probably given to leftist insurgents by Cuba and Nicaragua's Sandinistas."
South America is so awash in weapons from "legitimate" government suppliers it is laughable to suggest cartels would buy single items one at a time at retail and smuggle them across the U.S. border, when they can just drive trucks up to arsenals, load 'em up with forklifts, and pay with the mountains of cash they accumulate faster than you can scarf down a hot dog at halftime.
(searchable by item number)
1- Hidden Firearms Threat
2- SB1070 Training Revealed
3- Mexican Infiltration Advances
4- Health Care Freedom
5- Feds Double Salaries
6- Confiscation Isn't Revenue
7- Spy Story Mythologies
8- McDonald Case Spins
9- Firearms Lawsuit Filed
10- Cartel's American Grenades
11- Internet Freedom Threatened
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Alan Korwin
The Uninvited Ombudsman
- 3213 reads