One less sign on the Skyline!
Discriminatory "no-guns" signs are posted at Cincinnati-basedSkyline Chili's across Ohio.
But thanks to the actions of a couple of hungry patrons in Columbus, there may be some light on the horizon...
- Submitted to by Craig G.:
A friend of mine and I, (both of us CHL holders) have been eating lunch at the Skyline Chili on Rome-Hilliard Rd. on the west side of Columbus for a year or so now (and doing it armed since obtaining our permits in April).
We eat there a time or two a week. We are known to the people that work there as regulars but none of them ever knew that we were CHL holders or that we carried until a few weeks ago.
About two or three weeks ago, we arrived for one of our weekly traditionals for our three-way and Skyliner only to find a new front door posting of a "no concealed firearms" sign. Well, having already made the trip and after securing our firearms, we decided that we might as well enjoy our last trip and have our farewell Skyline lunch.
While we were there, I decided to go ahead and voice my displeasure to the manager. Unfortunately, he wasn't there to speak to. I say unfortunately only because that's what I should say in that situation. Really I was sort of relieved; this gave us an excuse to come back. (Hey, we love this place!)
Our next trip in, I found the manager in. He is a man who I had seen many times but had never actually spoken to. I called him over to chat. We spoke for about 10 minutes about the downfalls of banning law-abiding citizens and inviting armed robbers into his restaurant. I explained that I had reported them as a DNPWA location and that as long as they remained so, we would not be back.
To our surprise, he explained that he understood our position and asked that we check back in a week after he spoke with his supervisor and if he could, he would get the signs removed.
Well, it's been about two weeks (the holidays got in the way of our normal routine) and we just stopped back by. To our amazement the signs were down!
After enjoying our normal Three-Way and Skyliner (while carrying concealed I might add), I again called the manager over. He said corporate didn't like it but he took the signs down anyway.
I encourage you to take the time to talk to, to educate the management of these businesses, that most times for unfounded reasons, post these "no concealed carry signs".
At least for now, we have a Skyline to enjoy. It sounded to me like this manager is obviously bucking the system and eventually the system may win and the signs might go back up. But the more we make the effort to educate these business the better our chances of beating the system. Ultimately, the goal is, seeing fewer of those "no gun signs" on our skyline!
Craig G.
Craig has it exactly right. CHL-holders everywhere need to make the effort to educate these business-people. Many have been misled, and even lied to, by gun ban extremists.
As for Cincinnati-based Skyline Chili's corporate policy, the following is representative of what is being told to anyone who contacts the company at
- -----Original Message-----
From: "Linda Schwan"
Subject: Your Email to Skyline
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2004
We received your comments regarding our company policy of prohibiting firearms in our restaurants. We are sorry that this policy has negatively impacted your ability to enjoy our restaurants. We never want to lose a customer and we can assure you that this was not a decision that was made lightly. However, based on input from local police, the trade associations of which we are a member and our corporate counsel, we determined that the safety and well-being of all of our customers and employees was better served by prohibiting firearms on our restaurant premises, even by licensed permit holders.
We recognize and respect the fact that there are different viewpoints on this issue.
Again, we are sorry our policy has interfered with your ability to patronize our restaurants.
Linda Schwan
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