Pro-Gun Punditry: Wednesday's Buckeye State Roundabout
By Chris Chumita
There are more stories pertaining to our gun rights in Ohio then we can possibly draw attention to with individual daily commentary. But they are all worthy of mention.
What follows is our review of headlines from around the state though a pro-gun rights lens.
From a mentally sisabled teen being abused for hours to a robbery at a drive-through, these articles should be a part of your required reading!
What follows is several days of headlines accompanied by short, concise pro-gun analysis.
2/24/08: Hamilton, Ohio: Police: Teens Tie Up, Beat Mentally Disabled Teen For Hours
From the article:
- Police in southwest Ohio have arrested two teenagers who they said spent more than six hours physically abusing a mentally disabled woman.
Also from the article:
- But when a member of the family drove off in the car Friday morning, Jones said the 17-year-old girl and 16-year-old boy decided instead to ransack the home. He said they then tied up, punched, kicked and shaved the head of the 18-year-old woman.
Animals like these will only become even worse. They need to be locked up and punished to the fullest extent of the law.
2/24/08: Portage County, Ohio: Concealed Law Is 4 Years Old Few Problems In Portage County; License Holders Now Required To Reapply
From the article:
- On Friday, he admitted the Ravenna police have not had any major issues. However, he said, he still is not a proponent of the act. "Do I think you should be able to protect your home, your family and your property? Heck yeah. I believe in the Constitution and you should have the right to bear arms in your own home," he said.
Also from the article:
- A major concern McCoy voiced four years ago remains a concern for him today: Not much training is necessary or required to obtain a concealed carry permit. "In law enforcement, we're constantly training and reviewing policies. A firearm is a deadly weapon, and we train each year in the proper use of it," McCoy said. "Once you get a concealed carry license, you're in like Flynn until it expires."
The last time that I read the constitution, the Second Amendment did NOT limit to Second Amendment to your home.
2/22/08: Fargo, North Dakota: North Dakota Deputy Fires Gun in Courthouse Restroom
From the article:
- Authorities said he had hung the gun by its trigger guard, and the gun caught on the hook and discharged into the ceiling when he went to retrieve it.
Maybe we should send this article to Ravenna's police chief (see the above article). I wonder if this is an example of a law enforcement officer's firearm expertise that he was referring to.
2/22/08: Cleveland, Ohio: Police: Man Leaves Hospital, Beats Up Girlfriend
From the article:
- The search continues for a Cleveland man accused of beating up his girlfriend before and after police arrested him.
This incident is yet another example of how we cannot depend on the police to protect us.
2/22/08: Mentor, Ohio: Mentor Man Shot By Woman He Met Through Online Dating Service, Police Say
From the article:
- Kufrin went to Brown's Vine Street apartment about 7 p.m. Thursday and she demanded he pay her $300. She pulled out a gun, then forced him to take off his shoes and go to a local bank to withdraw the $300 from an ATM.
Always be careful when meeting people or going out on a date with someone. This is especially true if you met the person online. This case is especially tragic, since current law disarmed the adult military agen victim, because he was under 21.
2/21/08: Toledo, Ohio: Pregnant Woman Carjacked At Work
From the article:
- Toledo police want to know who carjacked a pregnant woman at gunpoint Wednesday afternoon while she was at work.
Also from the article:
- The center offers classes on domestic violence, parenting, and anger management, but no security when it comes to the parking lot. A staff meeting is now planned to discuss safer practices on daily procedures.
How much do you want to bet that carrying a firearm for self-defense is not brought up or even discouraged during the discussion on "safer practices." At this time, it is unknown if this was a "gun free zone."
2/20/08: Painesville, Ohio: School Evacuated After Threat Found On Bathroom Wall
From the article:
- Students and staff at a Painesville school were evacuated Wednesday after a bomb threat was found written on a bathroom wall.
Our schools will continue to be vulnerable until we take their security seriously. Among many things, it includes harsh punishment for people making threats and allowing teachers/staff to be armed.
2/20/08: Granger and Sharon Township, Ohio: Burglaries In Medina Prompt Warning
From the article:
- Medina County Sheriff's office is warning residents in Granger and Sharon Township to be more vigilant after a rash of burglaries occurred there last week.
Several homes along Granger Road and Beach Roads in the two townships were burglarized between 1 and 4 a.m. beginning Feb. 7 and continuing through Monday.
Most of the homes were unoccupied.
Burlaries can happen anywhere. Always take the proper precautions to secure your home.
2/20/08: Akron, Ohio: Police: Armed Man Robs Drive-Through
From the article:
- The victim said the robber entered the drive-through on foot. The clerk told the man that he must be in a vehicle to use the drive-through. The man then pulled out a gun and demanded money.
Thankfully, no one was hurt. However, this is just another example of how dangerous it can be to be a clerk and how they need to have the ability to defend themselves.