Rush Limbaugh praises Buckeye Firearms Assoc. response to Sandusky Register
On Friday, July 6, 2007, America's #1 talk radio host notified his national audience about the actions Buckeye Firearms Association has taken in response to the privacy-invading actions by the Sandusky Register.
From the transcript, which can be viewed at
RUSH: A friend of mine sent me a note about a story going on in Sandusky, Ohio. It's a big issue there. A newspaper published all 2700 people in the community with a concealed carry permit. This, of course, made the fur fly, and the gun people there, the pro-gun people there got information on the newspaper editor, where he lives, everything about him, and they published that in their publications, in Sandusky, Ohio -- and that's the way to fight this stuff!
You know, journalists give out people's privacy and so forth -- and these are not public people. These are just 2700 people with concealed carry permits. These are not public people. Some of them might be, I don't know, but most of them are just average citizens. So here comes every bit of information on them, their names and so forth and so on, and you go tell the journalist, "How would you feel if everything about you was exposed?"
"Well, I'm just a journalist! I just convey the news. I'm an innocent bystander."
"No, you're not."
They can't handle it. When they come under the same scrutiny that they scrutinize everybody else with, that does cause the fur to fly.
Subscribers to Rush's website can listen to audio archives of his comments on Buckeye Firearms Association's efforts in Sandusky, Ohio, via Windows Media or Real Audio.
Earlier in this same segment, Limbaugh discussed a proposal by The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) that would have a dramatic effect on the storage and transportation of ammunition and handloading components. The proposed rule indiscriminately treats ammunition, powder and primers as "explosives."
Among many other provisions, an NRA Grassroots Action Alert notes that the proposed rule would: 'Prohibit possession of firearms in commercial 'facilities containing explosives' -- an obvious problem for your local gun store." While reading the NRA Alert to his audience, Limbaugh told his audience, "you couldn't possess guns in a gun store because they might be exploding!"
Another part of the OSHA provision would "Require evacuation of all 'facilities containing explosives' -- even your local Wal-Mart -- during any electrical storm," (because ammo is an explosive). Limbaugh observed, "So if you're in a Wal-Mart and there's an electrical storm, you've got to evacuate all facilities "containing explosives -- even your local Wal-Mart" -- during an electrical storm, which is a hoot..."
For more on the OSHA proposal, and for information on how concerned citizens to speak out before OSHA issues its final rule, click here.
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