Statewide and Hamilton County ACTION ALERT


Support Tim Grendell for Attorney General

Gun Rights supporters in Ohio we need your help again. The State and Hamilton County Republican Committees will be endorsing for the May primary this Friday. Grassroot efforts have already helped Senator Grendell obtain endorsements from Miami, Clermont, Knox and Geauga County Republican Parties and we must keep this momentum going. UPDATE: Grassroots effort brings Miami County Endorsement

It is critical for any supporters who live and vote in Hamilton county to immediately contact the county chairman. Supporters in other counties need to contact their State Committee person. Gun owners need to tell the committee members that A strong support of firearms rights and the Ohio constitution is what is important. This is why the committee members must choose to endorse gun rights supporter Senator Tim Grendell for Attorney General and NOT Betty "I will never be the candidate of the NRA" Montgomery.

Time is short and these county and state endorsements are critical for Tim. Let them know that gun owners will not accept Betty Montgomery as Attorney General.

You can Volunteer or Donate to Tim Grendell at

Related Articles:
NRA - PVF Endorses State Senator Timothy Grendell
Anti-gun Montgomery to quit governor’s race; campaign for Atty Gen

Grendell for Attorney General

Betty Montgomery: "I will never be the candidate of the NRA."

Click on the "Read More..." link below for a list of who to contact..

Contact information for the Hamilton County Committee Members is available HERE

Contact information for the State Committee Members is available HERE

If you can provide additional contact information for other precinct positions, please use our FEEDBACK FORM.

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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.