BFA News

Top 10 News Stories of 2012

by Dean Rieck On average, we publish two articles a day and 10 to 12 articles a week. Over the years, we have published well over 8,000 articles, covering elections, legislation, and all manner of events and information of interest to Second Amendment supporters. It's always interesting to look back over the year to see which articles captured the most interest. So here are the top 10 news items...

2012 - The Year In Review

By Chad D. Baus While there is far too much to cover in a single article, we reflect on some of the important events of 2012. January: The year begins with continued debate over whether or not Canton police officer Daniel Harless, who was caught on dash-cam video verbally assaulting and threatening to "execute" a concealed handgun licensee, deserved to be fired. Harless is terminated, and the...

Buckeye Firearms Association Chairman Jim Irvine on Fox News Radio's "The Alan Colmes Show"

Buckeye Firearms Association Chairman Jim Irvine was a guest on Fox News Radio's "The Alan Colmes Show" on Thursday, December 27 at 10:15 p.m. "The Alan Colmes Show" is broadcast live and syndicated nationally by Fox News Radio. Click here to listen to the archived broadcast.

Merry Christmas from Buckeye Firearms Association

Merry Christmas to one and all from all of us at Buckeye Firearms Association. Our best gift is the friendship and support given by each of you throughout the year. As we reflect on the year's passing, we count our many blessings, remember our losses, and give thanks for those who helped us through it all. We each need to take time to appreciate our friends and family during this special time of...

Across the nation and around the world: BFA brings facts to an extremely emotional nation following Connecticut killings

by Chad D. Baus In the wake of the Auroro, CO "no-guns" theater shooting, Buckeye Firearms Association published an article entitled " How long is too long to wait to defend the Second Amendment? ," in which we discussed the dilemma we face each time another deranged lunatic decides to murder as many people as they can in a "no-guns" zone. In the article, I outlined how the media and gun control...

Bloomberg’s “Mayors Against Illegal Guns” Has Barely-Bipartisan Support in Ohio

by Jesse Hathaway The "bipartisan" support claimed by Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG), a national coalition of more than 700 mostly progressive mayors, is slim and dwindling in Ohio. MAIG, founded by anti-Second Amendment New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, has coordinated with leftist groups and staffers in Columbus Mayor Michael Coleman's office to target Ohioans' gun rights. Between 2009...

Sharon Kennedy sworn in as Supreme Court justice; Credits hard work and support from Second Amendment advocates for her victory

by Chad D. Baus Standing before a packed audience in the main courtroom of the Moyer Judicial Center, Sharon Kennedy was sworn in Friday, December 7 as Ohio's 154th Supreme Court justice. As reported by Gongwer News Service, Justice Kennedy, who had served as a domestic relations judge on the Butler County Court of Common Pleas, upset anti-gun incumbent Democrat Yvette McGee Brown last month...

Senate President Niehaus tells media he still hasn't decided on allowing HB495 floor vote

PLEASE CALL PRESIDENT NIEHAUS AND YOUR STATE SENATOR NOW AND ASK FOR A FLOOR VOTE ON HB495 TODAY ! Without a vote today, the bill dies. Click here for Sen. Pres. Niehaus' number, and and enter your zip code to find your Senator's number. by Chad D. Baus The Ohio House has already passed HB495 in the state House of Representatives by a 59 to 28 vote on June 13, and passed out of the Senate...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.