Two 'no guns' UDF convenience stores in Dayton robbed within 24 hours
by Tim Inwood
According to news reports this week, two United Dairy Farmer's stores in Dayton (Wyoming Street and North Main Street ) were robbed within 24 hours. Apparently the thugs missed the little 'no guns' sign on the door UDF corporate put there to keep him out. Or just maybe the miscreant was a bit wiser than the UDF corporate stuffed shirts who put the sign up. The crook was certainly smart enough to seek out someplace where he knew his victims would not be armed and thus would be at his mercy.
About two hundred and thirty years ago Thomas Jefferson (quoting Cesare Beccaria) wrote:
Why do some have to keep relearning such obvious lessons? A better question is why are some so obtuse they don’t see the piercing logic of the lesson and act on it?
These incidents serve to remind why I and anyone else who values their life won't do business with UDF. They have made a foolish decision to be a criminal protection zone and put their patrons and store employees in danger by attracting thugs by posting their stores as 'no guns' zones. There is no argument criminals prefer unarmed victims and seek out such places. The policy is eventually going to get someone killed. My advice to our readers is to not do business with a company who has callously decided to put you in danger by making it safer for a hoodlum to rob the establishment. Your life is worth it, don't be sheep to the slaughter.
Tim Inwood is the current Legislative Liaison and Past President of the Clinton County Farmers and Sportsmen Association, an Endowment Member of the NRA and Life Member of the OGCA, Republican Central Committeeman for Chester Township A, in Clinton County, Ohio, and a volunteer for Buckeye Firearms Association.
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