U.S. House candidate Wilkin again earns rare A+ endorsement from BFA-PAC
For the second time, Sen. Shane Wilkin has earned a coveted A+ grade from Buckeye Firearms Association PAC, along with an enthusiastic endorsement in his campaign for U.S. House of Representative in Ohio District 2 in the 2024 elections.
This is due in part to his 100% voting record on Second Amendment issues during his tenure in the Ohio House and Senate.
However, Wilkin achieved his exemplary A+ grade not just by voting to protect the rights of law-abiding gun owners but also by taking the lead and championing the Second Amendment in the Ohio legislature.
When it came to Constitutional Carry, BFA's top priority legislation in the 134th General Assembly, Wilkin, a Republican from Highland County, delivered despite unending criticism from gun control advocates, law enforcement groups, and even some members of his own caucus.
Under his leadership, the Government Oversight Committee first passed House Bill 227. And once that bill appeared to be stalled in the Ohio Senate, Wilkin delivered again by leading his committee to pass Senate Bill 215.
Within the House Republican Caucus, Wilkin fought relentlessly to move the bill forward to the House floor even as various factions of legislators sought to derail it.
Beyond Constitutional Carry, Chairman Wilkin moved HB 325, which would prohibit the government from seizing gun rights during a time of a declared emergency, another BFA priority. His committee approved knife preemption twice, passing a House version (HB 243) before moving Senate Bill 156 which was also been signed by the governor.
"There are other Second Amendment advocates in the crowded races for U.S. House District 2," said Dean Rieck, Executive Director of BFA. "And as a rule, we don't endorse when there are multiple good candidates in a race. But Shane is the exception with an outstanding record for going above and beyond and leading the charge on behalf of Ohio's 4 million gun owners.
"On gun rights, he's the perfect combination," continued Rieck, "He's committed to our core Second Amendment principles, and at the same time politically savvy and relentless, so he knows how to get things done at the Statehouse. Shane will be a great U.S. Representative for Ohio."
For more information on Shane Wilkin, visit ShaneWilkin.com.
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