Will Your Gun Save your Life?
By Linda Walker
The scenario: You are in the grocery store parking lot. Evening has fallen, but the street light illuminates the area. You are putting your new purchases in the trunk of your car, anticipating being in the warmth of your own home in fifteen minutes, after a long day at work. Thoughts are going through your mind of what to make for dinner and what you will be.....,
And then it happens!
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Out of nowhere, there he is! Five feet to your right is a common street thug running at you with a knife in his hand! It has immediately become apparent to you that he wants to cut you! What do you do? Pull you concealed firearm that you have carried on your hip for the past four years? Do you really think you have the time to pull your faithful weapon when this thug is five feet away from you? Certainly not! You had better move off your spot NOW and be prepared to fight, or you may be dead in a matter of seconds. Create the diversion to this thug so that you can place distance between you and him. Only then, will you have the time to pull your gun.
Buckeye Firearms Association recently had the pleasure of hosting a two day course entitled "Close Quarter Combatives-Advanced Pistol Fighting" class, instructed by the staff of Innovative Tactical Concepts. Instructors Brian LaMaster and Tim Davis showed the participants the reality of not relying on our guns as the save all, in the event of an attack. We were taught diversion tactics, ground fighting, escape and movement, hand to hand battles, and most of all mindset!
Buckeye Firearms volunteer and NRA instructor Clint Lake had this to say about the course: "ITC has finally provided the complete merger of advanced pistol craft, close quarters battle , and hand-to-hand techniques. The ITC crew did a tremendous job of simplifying difficult hand combatives into an easy to execute set of tools for my personal defensive toolbox. Brian and Tim did a fantastic job of managing range logistics as well. Everything from moving targets to tactical scenarios was well thought out and worked great!"
After running through multiple drills, the students in the class discovered that what we've thought in the past - that our gun would save us - is not reality at all. "A firearm is truly a tool during a real fight. This class taught me realistic combat tactics. As a matter of fact, it may save my life someday. Brian LaMaster and Tim Davis are practical and realistic warriors. This class is a must for anyone who carries a firearm," commented Mary Carducci.
As a concealed carry instructor, I try to impress upon my students the importance of further training. The Advanced Pistol Fighting class conducted by Innovative Tactical Concepts should be a "must" class in their training regimen.
Buckeye Firearms Association would like to thank Tim Davis and Brian and Michele LaMaster of Innovative Tactical Concepts for their generosity that they have shown this political action committee, in having donated part of the proceeds from this class back to Buckeye Firearms. They firmly believe in the mission that Buckeye Firearms has. We ask that you give back to them, by taking their classes. You won't be disappointed.

front:Dennis Cantrell, Clint Lake, Wayne Miller, Rich Campbell
2nd row: Linda Walker, Mary Carducci
3rd row: Instructor Tim Davis, Michael Craig, Steve Moluse,
Instructors Michele & Brian LaMaster, Hank Olden, Gerard Valentino, David
Linda Walker is a leader with Buckeye Firearms Association and an NRA Certified Instructor in the Basic Pistol, Personal Protection Inside the Home and Personal Protection Outside the Home disciplines, conducting concealed carry classes in central Ohio.
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