Ohio Gun and CCW Laws
Ohio gun and CCW laws are a matter of public record and are available to read online. However, for your convenience, we have collected here key sections of Ohio law that are related to firearms, condealed carry, and related matters. Click on the topic that interests you and you will be taken to the complete text.
Ohio Constitution
The people have the right to bear arms for their defense and security; but standing armies, in time of peace, are dangerous to liberty, and shall not be kept up; and the military shall be in strict subordination to the civil power.
Ohio Revised Code
- 9.68 Regulation of arms prohibited - challenging political subdivisions.
- 109.731 Prescribed forms.
- 504.04 Exercise of powers under limited home rule government.
- 1533.83 Shooting range definitions.
- 1533.84 Shooting range standards.
- 1533.85 Immunity in civil action concerning shooting range noise.
- 1547.69 Firearm prohibitions.
- 2305.40 Owner, lessee, or renter of real property not liable to trespasser.
- 2305.401 member of the firearms industry not liable for harm sustained as a result of the operation or discharge of firearm.
- 2921.13 Falsification - in theft offense - to purchase firearm.
- 2923.11 Weapons control definitions.
- 2923.111 Concealed carry by a qualifying adult.
- 2923.12 Carrying concealed weapons.
- 2923.121 Possession of firearm in liquor permit premises - prohibition, exceptions.
- 2923.122 Illegal conveyance or possession of deadly weapon or dangerous ordnance or of object indistinguishable from firearm in school safety zone.
- 2923.123 Illegal conveyance of deadly weapon or dangerous ordnance into courthouse - illegal possession or control in courthouse.
- 2923.124 Concealed handgun definitions.
- 2923.125 Application and licensing process.
- 2923.126 Duties of licensed Individual.
- 2923.127 Challenging denial of license.
- 2923.128 Suspension and revocation of license.
- 2923.129 Immunity.
- 2923.1210 Transporting or storing a firearm or ammunition on private property.
- 2923.1211 Falsification of concealed handgun license - possessing a revoked or suspended concealed handgun license.
- 2923.1212 Signage prohibiting concealed handguns.
- 2923.1213 Temporary emergency license.
- 2923.13 Having weapons while under disability.
- 2923.131 Possession of deadly weapon while under detention.
- 2923.132 Use of firearm or dangerous ordnance by violent career criminal.
- 2923.14 Relief from weapons disability.
- 2923.15 Using weapons while intoxicated.
- 2923.16 Improperly handling firearms in a motor vehicle.
- 2923.161 Improperly discharging firearm at or into a habitation, in a school safety zone or with intent to cause harm or panic to persons in a school building or at a school function.
- 2923.162 Discharge of firearm on or near prohibited premises.
- 2923.163 Surrender of firearm to law enforcement officer.
- 2923.17 Unlawful possession of dangerous ordnance - illegally manufacturing or processing explosives.
- 2923.19 | Failure to secure dangerous ordnance.
- 2923.20 Unlawful transaction in weapons.
- 2923.201 Possessing a defaced firearm.
- 2923.21 Improperly furnishing firearms to minor.
- 2923.211 Underage purchase of firearm or handgun.
- 2923.23 Voluntary surrender of firearms and dangerous ordnance.
- 2923.241 Hidden compartments in vehicles.
- 2923.25 Gun locking devices.
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