Autopsy report confirms Ohio CHL-holder Casey Goodson was shot 5 times in the back and once in the side
It's been three and a half months since Ohio concealed handgun license (CHL) -holder Casey Goodson was shot to death at the door of his residence by a Franklin County Sheriff's SWAT deputy in plain clothes. The deputy had been working an unrelated case nearby.
A concerned public has finally been allowed to read the official autopsy report, which confirms what family members have been saying from the beginning: Casey Goodson was shot 5 times in the back, and one time in the side, all reportedly as he was entering the door to his home.
From the Columbus Dispatch:
An official autopsy report from the Franklin County Coroner's office shows Casey Goodson Jr. was shot multiple times in his torso, with most of the bullets entering his back, according to the documents released Wednesday by Goodson's family Wednesday.
Goodson's family has said he was carrying sandwiches while unlocking a screen door to enter the home at the time he was shot. His mother, Tamala Payne, said she was told by Franklin County Coroner Dr. Anahi Ortiz that Goodson was shot six times.
The coroner's report posted on the website for an attorney for Goodson's family confirms that Goodson, who is Black, was shot six times, five of those entering his body in what the report describes as a "back-to-front" trajectory. The sixth bullet traversed Goodson's body from his right side to his left side.
It is worth noting that this report was released by the family, while a public records request made by the Dispatch in December has gone unanswered.
Officials have said that Mr. Goodson's firearm, for which he had a license to carry, was found at the scene, but information about exactly where that firearm was found has also not been released.
Franklin County Prosecutor Gary Tyack told the Dispatch his office will review the autopsy report before making any decisions on potential criminal charges against the deputy who killed Goodson. According to the article, an outside prosecutor may also have to be brought in because the county prosecutor's office represents the sheriff's office in civil proceedings.
The entire report can be viewed here:
Casey Goodson Jr. Final Aut... by The Columbus Dispatch
As I wrote on December 9, "Most will agree that it is best to withhold judgment until all the facts come in. But I hope that all concealed handgun license-holders will agree that this situation is very concerning."
Furthermore, as I told Casey Roth from WOSU (NPR Columbus) on December 16, the Second Amendment community is very pro-law enforcement. We realize that the law enforcement officers are trying to keep us safe – that’s why they exist. This is why some are hesitant to speak into these situations too soon, because we don’t have all the information.
However, it is not making a judgment call to ask questions, and I believe there ARE questions about this case that all law-abiding gun owners should want to have answered.
That is why I continue to encourage the Second Amendment rights community to join the call for the fair and impartial investigation that both Casey and the deputy deserve. And I have been pleased that the majority of the feedback we have received has been very supportive.
Chad D. Baus served as Buckeye Firearms Association Secretary from 2013-2019, and continues to serve on the Board of Directors. He is co-founder of BFA-PAC, and served as its Vice Chairman for 15 years. He is the editor of, which received the Outdoor Writers of Ohio 2013 Supporting Member Award for Best Website, and is also an NRA-certified firearms instructor.
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