
Vote Sicafuse in Ohio House 60

OFCC PAC-endorsed William Sicafuse needs your vote if you live in Ohio House 60. A PAC supporter emailed us the following note regarding his opponent, Sylvester Patton. ----- Original Message ----- From: [name withheld] To: [email protected] Sent: Monday, November 04, 2002 8:43 PM Subject: Info on candidates stance. Sylvester Patton, Running against Sicafuse in District 60, voted and spoke...

Toledo's Allen Roy (R-47) says will finish term if he wins House

OFCC PAC-endorsed House candidate Allen Roy pledged Saturday not to accept appointment to another office if elected, while charging that his opponent may be poised to do just that. Mr. Roy, who’s seeking the vacant Ohio House District 47 seat, said at a news conference that his opponent, anti-CCW Democrat Peter Ujvagi, if elected, may not remain a state representative if he were selected to fill...

Black Calls Kettle...Black

Last week, we reported that an Ohio Court of Appeals panel was reviewing a complaint filed against Maureen O'Connor by her opponent Tim Black. A three-judge hearing panel, two Democrats and one Republican, recommended that the Court of Appeals order the ad’s immediate removal from the air and consider levying a fine or other sanction against her. Lt. Gov. O’Connor said she plans to appeal the...

Under Attack by anti-CCW forces: Jim Trakas (R-17) Needs your Help Nov. 5!

Last month, we reported that anti-CCW forces had decided to make Jim Trakas' (R-17) support for Concealed Carry Reform a linch pin in their campaign to unseat him . Attack ads were televised in the 17th House District, essentially making the claim that Trakas supports Wild West-type justice and that he wants to make it easier for criminals to get guns. We have also learned about a recent letter...

''Million Moms'' can't muster 20 at anti-Jim Trakas (R-17) Rally

Last week, OFCC PAC became aware of an election eve rally being staged by Ohio's contingent of the nearly bankrupt Million Mom March against pro-CCW legislator Jim Trakas (R-17). We put out an urgent call for support in staging a counter-rally, and you responded! Pro-CCW supporters outnumbered the so-called "Million Moms" nearly 2 to 1. Following are reports from those who were there: Perhaps the...

Bring out the Vote! Pro-CCW Majority in Legislature under fire

Republicans have been telling Ohioans for Concealed Carry for over a year that their pro-CCW majorities in both Ohio legislative bodies are at risk. And it all comes down to this - in 24 hours, Ohioans will have the opportunity to ensure the pro-CCW, veto-proof majority remains or is strengthened, or to weaken the chances to have Concealed Carry Reform passed any time soon. A look at one urban...

Too Close to Call: Stratton vs. Burnside

A Democrat's challenge to unseat incumbent Supreme Court Justice Evelyn Lundberg Stratton has been intense, even though many voters admit they know little about the race. Backed by unions and trial lawyers, Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Judge Janet R. Burnside has given Stratton a run for her campaign money. According to a poll of likely voters conducted by the Columbus Dispatch, the contentious...

Onslaught of anti-Stratton TV ads gets even uglier

Apparently undeterred by the Ohio State Bar Association's strong condemnation of two anti-Stratton ads, and two days after Burnside denounced the ads under pressure, supporters of Janet Burnside have struck out yet again. The latest cries of outrage came yesterday about an ad called "Miscarriage of Justice,'' which accuses Justice Evelyn Lundberg Stratton of protecting big drug companies instead...


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