
Independence Day 2024

With Independence Day upon us, let's look at what it might mean to some people … a day off with pay, just a day off, family, friends, cookouts, reunions or just a day to lounge and watch the fireworks. As for me, I think of our Constitution, our founding fathers, our Bill of Rights, our military men and women who are performing their duties to protect our freedom.

AG Yost: New fingerprint scanners granted to Ohio courts will bolster criminal-records system

A grant program designed to enhance the accuracy and completeness of Ohio’s criminal-records repository will pay for 77 new devices that courts across the state will use to capture defendants’ fingerprints for submission to the database, Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost announced July 2.

Red flag laws, universal background checks might seem divine, but devil is in details

It's like clockwork with anti-gun government leaders, who promote policies that lead to crime and then rush to blame law-abiding gun owners, the state legislature, and even guns themselves when those policies result in negative statistics. Then they promote the flawed concepts of red flag laws and universal background checks, which sound great until you take a closer look at them.


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.