
Storm Clouds Gather Over Ohio Attorney General Election

By Ken Hanson, Esq. This November, Buckeyes will head to the poll to elect a new Attorney General. This election is being held without the customary year-long primary campaigns, due to the nature and timing of the resignation of Marc Dann. As a result, a small group of men and women hold the future of your gun rights in their hands. Chances are very good that you do not know any of these men and...

SB184: Castle Doctrine / Firearms bill headed to Governor for signature!

One day after the Ohio House passed amended SB184 with a strong bipartisan majority, the Ohio Senate has concurred to the improvements with an equally strong and bi-partisan 25-7 vote. A video archive of the floor debate is available here. ( Click here to see how they voted. ) The bill's sponsor, State Senator Steve Buehrer (R-Delta), noted that "while SB184 has undergone several changes over the...

Amended SB184 (Castle Doctrine) Passes Ohio House with a 73-23 vote!

Buckeye Firearms Association applauds the Ohio House of Representatives' 73-23 vote to pass the amended SB184. SB184 passed the Ohio Senate in April with a 31-0 vote and has now passed the Ohio House in an amended form to include technical corrections and improve laws for law-abiding gun owners in Ohio. No one rose to speak against the bill. A video archive of the floor debate is available here...

Whose side are police unions and the media on?

By Chad D. Baus With pending legislation that reinforces the popular concept that a person's home is their castle, and a pro-gun Democrat governor who fully supports it, the anti-gun media has had a tough time sustaining the type of barrage against SB184 that was typical of their past assaults against HB12 (Ohio's Concealed Handgun Licensure Law) and HB367 (Ohio's Statewide Gun Control Preemption...

Amended SB184 (Castle Doctrine) passed out of House Criminal Justice Committee with a 9-3 vote

Buckeye Firearms Association applauds the Ohio House Criminal Justice Committee’s 9-3 vote to pass the amended SB184, Ohio's Castle Doctrine legislation. SB184 passed the Ohio Senate in April with a 31-0 vote. Before being voted out of committee in the House, it was amended to include technical corrections and improve laws for law-abiding gun owners in Ohio. The amendment provides a legal way for...

Chairman White on Castle Doctrine: Committee vote Tuesday, Floor vote Wednesday, Senate vote "soon after"

According to comments made to the press by House Criminal Justice Committee Chairman John White (R-38), the hundreds if not thousands of calls and letters that have poured into the Statehouse over the weekend have been heard. White told the Dayton Daily News Saturday that a vote would be taken in committee on Tuesday, followed by a floor vote by the House on Wednesday, and a Senate concurrence...

CCRKBA says Chicago alderman should suffer like other gun owners

BELLEVUE, WA – Chicago Alderman Richard Mell ought to be prosecuted like any other negligent gun owner for failing to re-register his firearms under an ordinance he helped pass, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said recently. “I don’t care if anti-gun Mayor Richard Daley supports giving Mell a break, and it doesn’t matter that Mell is the father-in-law of Gov. Rod...

Memorial Day 2008 - Remembering Those Who Gave All to Defend Our Rights

By Jim Irvine We are often thanked for all we do to secure firearms rights in Ohio, but this Memorial Day, it's important to remember all those who have come before us, and won all of the big battles. It is only through their sacrifice and perseverance that we are able to fight today's battles. While it's easy to get caught up in the moment of your own struggles, our lives as we know them would...

Castle Doctrine amendment & vote rescheduled for May 27

House Criminal Justice committee Chairman John White (R-38) has rescheduled SB184 for a fourth hearing next week. Once again, the Chairman has indicated that an amendment may be offered before a possible vote. The meeting is scheduled for for Tuesday, May 27 at 1:00 p.m. in Statehouse Room 121. PLEASE use our Write to Legislators website feature NOW to contact your legislators and ask them not to...

Ohio State Highway Patrol warns: Crimes occurring at Ohio rest stops

One of the important aspects of the pending amendment to Ohio's Castle Doctrine bill now on hold in the House Criminal Justice Committee is a change that would amend O.R.C. 2923.126(B) in the governmental building category to exempt shelters, restrooms and parking garages from the definition. As yet another news media story this week proves, this change can come none too soon.

McCain reiterates willingness to consider assault weapons ban

By Chad D. Baus From signing onto an amicus brief in support of the individual right to own firearms to attending the NRA Annual Meetings , Republican presidential nominee John McCain is doing everything he can to help America's gun owners forget his past decade of work opposing gun rights. He glosses over McCain-Feingold campaign finance "reform" legislation, once referred to by NRA Executive...

HB450 (Armed Services 18-21 purchase) passes Ohio House with bi-partisan support

With a strong bi-partisan 90-3 vote, the Ohio House of Representatives has passed HB450, sponsored by Representative Bruce Goodwin (R-74). “This is important legislation,” said Buckeye Firearms Association Chairman Jim Irvine. “We are talking about men and women who volunteered to lay their life on the line for their country and their fellow man. We trust them with the full might of the U.S...

CALL TO ACTION! Let legislators know you want Castle Doctrine NOW!

A vote on SB184, the Castle Doctrine bill , may finally be coming up for a vote. This legislation will restore your right to defend yourself and your family with force when faced with a deadly threat. It would also protect you from predatory civil lawsuits by criminals or their family. Also up for a vote is a Buckeye Firearms Association and NRA backed amendment to SB184 which would prevent...

Governor Strickland tells FOP where to stick it on gun bill; Republicans should do the same

Grassroots pro-gun groups have a bill under consideration in the Statehouse, and elitist union leaders at the Fraternal Order of Police are opposed. Deja vu all over again? Not so fast. Gun owners have reason to hope, because this time around, we have a Democrat in the Governor's office. Yes, you read that on a pro-gun website. GUN OWNERS CAN BE THANKFUL THAT DEMOCRAT TED STRICKLAND IS OUR...

Police union aims to seize your rights

By Jim Irvine The Ohio Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) will be holding a press conference on Wednesday to protest Ohio’s law abiding citizens' firearms rights. Date and time are yet to be announced, but they have made it clear that they will do whatever they can to prevent your rights from being restored. While the vast majority of the rank and file officers support you and your rights, the FOP,...

McCain's appearance at NRA Annual Meetings as flat as his record of support for gun rights

"Is it possible that John McCain thinks you have too much freedom?" - NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre, 2001 John McCain's closing speech at the "Celebration of American Values" conference at the NRA's 2008 Annual Meetings last Friday was a real clinker, and not just because he was boring, uninspired, unmotivated and talking out of both sides of his mouth. No, I realized how much of a...

Castle Doctrine bill needs your support NOW!

UPDATE: (5.22.08 12:00PM) For the fourth time this month, House Criminal Justice Chairman John White (R-38) has put off a possible vote on SB184, the Castle Doctrine bill. Although a Governor Strickland-, Buckeye Firearms Association- and NRA-backed amendment was circulated before the meeting, White did not give the committee opportunity to adopt the amendment. The Ohio Fraternal Order of Police...

A grandmother's gun

By Breda of The Breda Fallacy Too often I am saddened by stories of women who fall victim to predators and I am left thinking, "If only..." If only they hadn't walked home alone, if only they hadn't trusted the wrong man...if only they'd had a gun so they could have fought back and won. Grim statistics and grisly forensics are often all that's left of what was once a bright future or a beautiful...

City of Cincinnati defiantly flaunts state law

"Our government... teaches the whole people by its example. If the government becomes the lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy." - Louis D. Brandeis By Jeff Riley Regular readers of the Buckeye Firearms site are well aware of crimes occurring in the State of Ohio and local city/municipal parks year after year. Some recent...

Marc Dann resigns amid scandal; Governor should appoint a pro-gun replacement

By Chad D. Baus While it is now quite apparent from the ongoing sexual harrassment scandal that Democrat Marc Dann managed the office of Attorney General poorly over the past 17 months, many Ohio gun owners will no doubt still receive news of his resignation this week some sadness. Thanks in large part to the hard work of Buckeye Firearms Association, the National Rifle Association, and pro-gun...

Big Brother Sam: Wal-Mart to videotape gun buyers

In a recent outdoors column, the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review asked if America's largest retailer is getting out of the hunting and fishing business. Wal-Mart may not think so, but that's really up to their customers to decide, now that they have announced a partnership with the anti-gun extremist and New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg to video-tape and keep records on gun buyers.

Castle Doctrine sponsor testimony heard in committee; Vote rescheduled for May 21 after possible amendment

State Sen. Steve Buehrer (R-1) offered sponsor testimony on Senate Bill 184, Ohio's Castle Doctrine legislation on Wednesday, May 14. The bill, which received unanimous support in the Senate, is now being considered by the House Criminal Justice Committee. Although originally scheduled for a vote this week, Chairman John White (R-38) has rescheduled SB184 for a second hearing next week. The...

Governor's First Annual Turkey Hunt is a Success!

Governor Ted Strickland and many current and former NFL players participated COLUMBUS, OH – Governor Ted Strickland enjoyed a day in the field on Saturday, May 10, during the first-ever Governor’s Annual Turkey Hunt. The event, which took place in Muskingum and Coshocton counties, included current and former NFL players who partnered with nationally known hunting guides on an outing with 11 area...

Surveying Dem & GOP Presidential candidates, Brady bunch President declares "we got the ball back"

We're All Gun Nuts Now By John McCormack During a campaign debate on April 16, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were asked if the District of Columbia's ban on gun possession, now facing a challenge before the Supreme Court, is constitutional. "I think a total ban, with no exceptions under any circumstances, might be found by the Court not to be. But I don't know the facts,"...

Pro-Gun Punditry: Wednesday's Buckeye State Roundabout

By Chris Chumita There are more stories pertaining to our gun rights in Ohio then we can possibly draw attention to with individual daily commentary. But they are all worthy of mention. What follows is our review of headlines from around the state though a pro-gun rights lens. From increased police patrols to a teenager fighting off a rapist, these articles should be a part of your required...

We hope to see you at the NRA Annual Meetings this weekend!

By Jim Irvine This weekend, May 16 - May 20, the NRA Annual Meetings will be held in Louisville, Kentucky. In addition to being a huge gun show, you can also attend seminars about gun laws, concealed carry, and self defense, as well as meet Eddie the Eagle and learn about the NRA’s gun safety programs. The Second Amendment is about more than CCW, or hunting, or target shooting – it’s about all of...

USA Today: Reagan's influence lives on in U.S. courts

They became the first judges in more than a half-century to say the Second Amendment protects an individual's right to own guns... They are prominent appeals court judges appointed by President Reagan in the 1980s — the products of an unprecedented, meticulous and often controversial screening process that transformed the politics of judicial nominations. Named to an influential set of 13...

Give an hour or two and advance our gun rights

By Scott Seibert Last week I received a call from Brian, a campaign aid for Ohio Senate candidate Jim Hughes ( ). His staff and a bunch of volunteers were getting together again Saturday May 10 to commence another "lit drop" [literature drop] in the Hilliard neighborhoods. I had participated in an earlier lit drop a couple weeks ago, and found it to be a very...

Bloomberg Outrage: Asks judge to ban Second Amendment references!

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg has moved from outrage to atrocity by asking anti-gun activist federal Judge Jack B. Weinstein to ban any reference to the Second Amendment during a civil lawsuit trial beginning May 27 against Georgia gun dealer Jay Wallace, proprietor at Adventure Outdoors. The New York Sun reported that Bloomberg’s attorneys made the request. Alan Gottlieb, founder of the...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.