
Mayors Against Illegal Guns' poll proves just one thing: We still have work to do

By Jeff Knox Mike Bloomberg and his Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG) caused quite a stir in the gun rights community recently when they released a poll declaring that gun owners and NRA members support the group's gun control agenda. The poll was conducted by Frank Lutz's company "Word Doctors." The media gleefully reported the poll as indisputable fact while NRA and others cried "Foul,"...

California Microstamping Law Not In Effect

Flawed Technology Remains Encumbered by Patents Firearms microstamping, signed into law by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R-Calif.) in October 2007 and slated to take effect this New Year's Day (2010), is not in effect since the technology remains encumbered by patents. Microstamping -- the process by which firearms manufacturers would have to micro laser-engrave a gun's make, model and serial...

NSSF: Senate version of health care bill addresses firearms

According to the National Shooting Sports Foundation, pro-gun forces were successful at inserting language into the Senate Health Care Bill that prohibits the collection or disclosure of any information regarding the lawful possession or storage of firearms and ammunition in the residence or property of a gun owner.

Vintage gun ads recall the true America

By Dean Rieck There are people today who are shocked to discover that gun manufacturers advertise their products in magazines displayed on grocery store shelves. Gun ads? In a grocery store? What if the children see those ads? As shocking as it might be to some people, there was a time not so long ago when guns were not only advertised in dedicated "gun" magazines, they were routinely advertised...

Become a BFA fan on Facebook!

If you're on Facebook, click here and become a fan of Buckeye Firearms Association! Our fan page is growing fast and it's a great way to follow what BFA is up to and what we're doing to keep the gun-grabbers at bay. And you can chat will fellow 2A supporters from across the U.S.

THANK YOU: Buckeye Firearms Association enjoys record year in midst of recession

By Jim Irvine The past year was another record year for Buckeye Firearms Association. Our political action committee (PAC) received more donations from more people than in any other year in our history. While we did spend a considerable sum, it was not a record for spending because it was not an election year. That has resulted in a nice "war chest." We will need all of it and more before the...

Americans hemorrhaging rights to schools, employers and the government

By Gerard Valentino After a recent morning duck hunting trip, a student from a rural California school district parked his truck off campus and walked to school to avoid running afoul of the school safety zone law that makes it illegal to have guns on school property. For his trouble, he was expelled.

The Chicago Gun Ban Showdown in 2010

By Gerard Valentino The City of Chicago has a long and storied relationship with the gun, and particularly the Thompson submachine gun made famous by gangsters during the prohibition era. Many credit the lawlessness of that time with the city's longtime anti-gun bias and fondness for gun bans. Whatever the cause, there is little doubt that Chicago's mayoral administrations have declared war on...

Ohio Deer Hunters Prepare for Statewide Muzzleloader Season, January 9-12

COLUMBUS, OH - Ohio's popular muzzleloader deer season is set to open statewide January 9-12 according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Wildlife. Last year, hunters checked 20,659 white-tailed deer during the statewide hunt. A total of 227,748 deer have been harvested so far this season when combining the adult and youth gun seasons, early muzzleloader season, gun weekend...

Exposed: Bloomberg's Blueprint for Gun Control

By Sebastian ( I have obtained a copy of Bloomberg's secret "Blueprint for Federal Action on Guns" which is really a blueprint for how the Obama Administration can screw gun owners without needing anything from Congress. Chuck Michel is responsible for filing a Freedom of Information Act request to get this one out in public where it belongs. (If you want to get the exclusive...

Gun control run amok: British hunters complain of 'hysterical' police response to legal field sports

The U.K. Telegraph is reporting that British sportsmen are complaining they are increasingly being targeted by armed police responding to panicky calls from the public. The Countryside Alliance has described the "massive overreaction" by officers as "hysterical", while the British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC) has warned that an incident could lead to a lawful shooter being...

Gun sales data reveal regional preferences

Where you live says a lot about what types of firearms you prefer, the latest data from the National Sporting Goods Association (NSGA) shows. In 2008, southern Atlantic states led per capita in handgun purchases and also accounted for 31.4 percent of all handguns bought in the United States. East north central states led per capita in shotgun purchases and accounted for 33.4 percent of shotguns...

NRA's Eddie Eagle GunSafe(r) Program Reaches 23 Millionth Child

FAIRFAX, Va. - The Eddie Eagle GunSafe® Program, NRA's groundbreaking gun accident prevention course for children, has surpassed yet another milestone by reaching its 23 millionth child. Created in 1988 by past NRA President Marion P. Hammer, in consultation with law enforcement officers, elementary school teachers, and child psychologists, the program provides pre-K through the third grade...

Governor Strickland hosts 3rd Governor's Sportsmen Reception

By Larry S. Moore Governor Ted Strickland hosted his third Governor's Sportsmen Reception on December 23. Once again leading sportsmen and sportswomen from across Ohio converged at the Governor's Mansion to share the spirit and warmth of the season. Well before he was Governor, Strickland identified with the sportsmen, gun and conservation groups across Ohio. Since becoming Governor, he has...

Cox Publishing newspapers at it again: Columnist regurgitates anti-gun statistics in attack on concealed carry

By Gerard Valentino "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it." - Joseph Goebbels, Reichsminister of Propaganda in Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945 A recent op-ed written by Dayton Daily News columnist Martin Gottlieb, and entitled "In wake of conceal/carry, new stats worth a look," tries to paint Ohio's concealed handgun license-holders as one...

2009 - The Year In Review

By Chad D. Baus While there is far too much to cover in a single article, we reflect on some of the important events of 2009. January: The year begins with the inauguration of former Joyce Foundation board member Barack Hussein Obama, who quickly proves he lied during the campaign in describing himself as a pro-Second Amendment candidate by announcing the administration's declaration of war on...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.