Buckeye Firearms Association's Linda Walker elected to the NRA’s Board of Directors
The leadership team of Buckeye Firearms Association is proud to announce that our very own Linda Walker has been elected to a position on the National Rifle Association's Board of Directors. The NRA made the public announcement in Pittsburgh at the NRA Annual Meetings on Saturday.
Linda Walker has been a tireless supporter and fighter for our Second Amendment rights for several years. She joined the Buckeye Firearms leadership team in 2005 and has spent much of her time in the Statehouse working on concealed carry reform, Castle Doctrine, preemption and other legislation that Buckeye Firearms has been involved in.
Over the years, Linda has become very active with the National Rifle Association in many capacities. She is an NRA certified instructor in multiple disciplines, instructing Ohio concealed carry, Linda is the Licking County Friends of the NRA chairman, the NRA-ILA's EVC (election volunteer coordinator) for the 12th Congressional District. In her capacity as EVC, she was in the top 3 EVC's in the country for 2010, qualifying her to be considered for the NRA-ILA's "Jay M. Littlefield Volunteer of the Year" award.
Because of her involvement in the Second Amendment, the NRA recognized Linda in 2009 by awarding her the "Sybil Ludington Women's Freedom Award." This prestigious award is presented to one woman per year on the national level for legislation, advocacy and education.
Linda received a personal letter from fellow NRA Board member Curtis Jenkins. He said "it is reassuring to know that leaders like you are willing to stand fast on the front line against threats to our Second Amendment rights. I know that I join millions of NRA members in thanking you for your willingness to help lead our great organization. I look forward to serving with you on the Board."
Join us in congratulating Linda Walker in her successful election to the Board of Directors of the National Rifle Association!
A personal note from Linda:
I am thrilled to start another new chapter in my fight for Second Amendment rights as I take my place at the seat of the National Rifle Association's Board of Directors. I am very honored and humbled that the voting members have shown the confidence in me by their overwhelming vote.
I would like to take this time to thank my fellow Buckeye Firearms leadership team. They were the catalyst that set me on this journey of fighting for our Second Amendment. It has been a fantastic journey of learning, legislating, enlightenment and friendships. Without them, I would have a lot more spare time on my hands.
Thank you to everyone who supported me for the past year during the election cycle. Thank you to all who circulated petitions for me, who campaigned across the country for me and special thanks to the friends that I have made along the way and thank you to all who voted for me! I am very honored!
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