82-year old Dayton woman mugged

The following was posted today to a public CCW discussion group by Phillip Shiflett: "The following post illustrates that although State and 'local' gun control guarantee elderly people carrying arms in self defense face jail, the government can't guarantee their safety." ----- (Dayton, OH) -- Dayton residents have expressed outrage at the latest area robbery. Police say a woman in her 80's left...

Toledo Mayor breaks tie to extend ban on handguns

Mayor Jack Ford broke a 6-6 tie to repeal a sunset provision that would have caused Toledo’s handgun ordinance to expire Jan. 27. The vote renewed the ban on cheap and easily concealed handguns. Mr. Ford said he expects to propose changes to address problems cited since the law passed in 1999, especially complaints that it discriminates against people who claim they need to defend themselves in...

Taft win [in Lucas County] noticed by Bush advisers

National Republicans enjoyed unprecedented success in the Nov. 5 midterm congressional elections, but as President Bush scans the Midwestern political landscape for sitting governors who can help his 2004 re-election bid, Ohio’s Bob Taft is the last man standing. Mr. Taft easily won re-election, in part on the strength of a big victory in Lucas County that top White House and gubernatorial aides...

GOP spent heavily to boost majority

Ohio House Republicans spent almost $6 million to increase their majority to 62-37 for the upcoming legislative session, and on the Senate side, Republicans spent $4.6 million to increase their majority to 22-11. Click here to read the entire Columbus Dispatch story (subscription site - paid access only). An archived version follows. GOP spent heavily to boost majority State races in House,...

House ''in position to pass [CCW] in February or March''

The Columbus Dispatch printed a story Monday summarizing some of the hotter issues that dominated the post-election session. Of particular interest were comments regarding the General Assembly's failure to pass concealed carry reform, including but not limited to: ---> A mention of "Taft and his wife, Hope", not being wild about the concealed carry concept. (When did Mrs. Taft get elected to...

Supreme Court Uncertainty:Justice Cook May Finally Be Confirmed to Federal Bench

Those anxiously awaiting a high court ruling on the constitutionality of Ohio's ban on carrying concealed weapons may have more waiting, and worrying, to do. After the successful election of two conservative justices in Election 2002 (thanks in no small part to the efforts of OFCC PAC volunteers), confidence in the possibility of a high court ruling concurrent with the lower courts grew. Some...

Columbus Dispatch Op-Ed:[Senate's] Concealed-carry legislation too full of holes

The Columbus Dispatch has printed a Lee Leonard op-ed piece which points out still more reasons why it was better that the Senate's amended HB274 died without a House vote. While we don't agree with all of Mr. Leonard's assessments, this piece does highlight the contrast between the strong leadership from Speaker Householder in the House vs. that from Finan/ Jacobson in the Senate. He also...

Dayton Daily News: ''Super Jeff''?

The Dayton Daily News has published what could simply be reprinted in 2004 as their endorsement of Jeff Jacobson for Senate President. Jacobson chaired the Senate committee which negotiated the "reform" right out of HB274, this year's concealed carry reform bill. "He got the Ohio Fraternal Order of Police to shift from opposed to neutral on a bill to allow Ohioans to carry concealed weapons...",...


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