National Politics

Gun rights could play a significant role in battleground states

September 9, 2004 Springfield News Sun WASHINGTON — Large populations of hunters and gun owners in Ohio and other battleground states could provide critical support in the close presidential election, the National Rifle Association's chief executive said Wednesday. Candidates' stances on protecting gun rights could help attract enough voters to sway the election, NRA chief executive Wayne...

President of Remington Arms Co. advises Kerry on firearms safety

September 8, 2004 PRNewswire At a Labor Day campaign rally yesterday, Sen. John Kerry accepted an ironic gift from a labor union representative. The gift, a Remington model 11-87 shotgun commonly used in hunting and recreational shooting enjoyed by millions of Americans, would be banned as an "assault weapon" under a bill that Kerry is co-sponsoring. align="right"> "The semi-automatic shotgun...

OH gun club to Kerry camp: ''Oh, no'' you don't...

August 31, 2004 Wheeling (WV) Intelligencer Dan Trevas, communications director for the Ohio Democratic Party, said Sen. John Kerry will make an appearance at the Fort Steuben Visitor's Center on Third Street between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. Saturday. Abdalla also said Kerry's campaign members have indicated the presidential hopeful would like to be able to trap shoot in the area if his schedule allows...

Hypocrisy: ''Kerry Co-Sponsored Bill Banning Gun He Waves''

September 7, 2004 Drudge Report Was Dem presidential hopeful John Kerry seen this weekend waving a gun which would have been banned if legislation he co-sponsored became law? Kerry co-sponsored S. 1431 last year (“The Assault Weapons Ban and Law Enforcement Protection Act of 2003) which would have banned a "semiautomatic shotgun that has a pistol grip.” align="right"> Kerry was presented with...

The ultimate case against disarmed victim zones

September 4, 2004 Cincinnati Enquirer Editorial: We all are terror's soft targets The unspeakable terrorist takeover of a Russian school that left hundreds dead and wounded this week drives home the point that in the war of terror, there is no such place as a non-combat area. The experts call them "soft" targets - office towers, commuter trains, commercial airliners and now a school full of...

Op-Ed: Pistols and rifles and cans, oh, my!

August 29, 2004 The Daily Camera by Jon Caldara align="right"> The so-called assault-weapons ban is about to sunset. About time. It was one of the goofiest gun laws on the books. It outlawed guns because they look mean — the perfect law for a superficial world. The assault-weapons ban was racial profiling for guns. Before we start, you should know I used to be like you when it came to firearms...

Op-Ed: Let Americans provide their own security

August 30, 2004 Miami Herald By Benedict D. Larosa Gun-control laws, like all ill-advised measures, have unintended, often unfortunate, consequences. This is especially true in the post-Sept. 11 environment. Recently, Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge upgraded the nation's alert status because of credible intelligence that several financial buildings in New York City, Newark, N.J., and...

Letter to the Editor: Shooting Blanks

August 26, 2004 Akron Beacon Journal Your Aug. 9 editorial headlined "Victim of the gun lobby'' was full of opinions disguised as facts. The comment "no sport use'' is irrelevant. Where in the Constitution or case law does it state that any particular type of gun must have a sporting use? Those banned semi-automatic weapons only look like their fully automatic military counterparts. In this case...


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