BREAKING NEWS: Gov. Kasich vetoes H.B. 228 - House and Senate must override for bill to become law
Governor John Kasich has vetoed H.B. 228, the bill seeking to put the burden of proof on prosecutors where it belongs and modernize other elements of concealed carry.
It is now up to the Ohio House and Senate to decide if they wish to override the veto and make this bill law. Before reaching the Governor's desk, it passed both chambers with veto-proof majorities.
Contact your state Representative and state Senator now to encourage them to vote to override this veto. Click here to use our Action Center.
H.B. 228 ...
- Shifts the burden of proof back to the prosecutor so that you are innocent until proven guilty. Ohio is the only state in the U.S. that makes gun owners guilty until proven innocent in matters of self defense.
- Strengthens "preemption" provisions in Ohio law that prevent local governments from passing their own gun laws.
- Aligns the definition of "shotgun" to mirror Federal law to end the confusion about the Mossberg Shockwave and similar firearms that are currently legal under federal law but illegal under Ohio state law.
- Eliminates the requirement to post no-gun signs in locations which have authorized the carrying of firearms.
- Puts teeth into the law so that authorities can prosecute criminals who make "straw" purchases for felons.
- And more.
More details about this bill here.
We wish to thank Representative Johnson, LaTourette, Roegner, Speaker Smith, Senator Uecker, Coley, President Obhof and every legislator who voted for this important and landmark legislation.
Additional Information:
Governor Kasich's Veto Message
"Since first being elected to the Ohio Senate in 1976, I have consistently supported Ohioans' constitutional right to bear arms and to defend themselves and their families..."
...Except for all the times when he didn't (see here and here and here and here for examples).
They asked for it: Republicans who stand with Kasich earn Kasich's reputation
Flashback 2009:
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