Indiana red flag law fails to stop FedEx killer
Gun ban extremists have always been quick to try and take advantage of mass murders to further their political goals. In recent years, after a shooting occurs, one of the first things many in the anti-Second Amendment crowd run to the cameras to promote are so-called red flag laws.
In the wake of a mass killing in Las Vagas, despite having campaigned as reformed politician on the issue of the second Amendment, then-Governor John Kasich eventually returned to his anti-gun legacy, calling for bans on bump stocks and modern sporting rifles, and proposing a so-called "red flag" law during his final year in office.
After a mass shooting in Dayton, Governor DeWine followed in Kasich's footsteps, proposing his own version of a "red flag" law.
These due-process crushing laws, we are told, are going to prevent these types of mass murder attacks.
The State of Indiana just learned otherwise.
From The Indianapolis Star:
In March 2020, police took a brand new shotgun from then 18-year-old [killer's name redacted - we Don't Name Them] when his mother reported his desire to die at the hands of law enforcement.
Just four months later, he legally bought an assault rifle in Indianapolis. He would add another to his collection two months after that.
And 13 months removed from the call his mother made to police at the precipice of the pandemic, [the killer] used his two assault weapons to kill eight people and himself at a FedEx facility on Indianapolis’ southwest side.
As the city grieves, questions surround the 19-year-old alleged gunman's ability to legally buy multiple weapons mere weeks after both local and federal authorities were made aware of his mental instability and his plans to commit "suicide by cop."
On paper, Indiana's red flag law should have stopped him. Called the Jake Laird Law in honor of a slain Indianapolis police officer, red flag legislation introduced and approved by the Indiana General Assembly in 2005 allows law enforcement to seize guns from people who are deemed a danger to themselves or others.
But the law seemingly played no role in derailing [the killer]'s plans.
"On paper," a lot of gun control should work to stop criminals. But gun control laws DON'T stop criminals, and we have DECADES of evidence to prove this. What they DO accomplish is making it harder for law-abiding citizens to exercise their constitutional right to bear arms for their defense and security.
Just hours before the attack in Indianapolis, President Joe Biden announced that he would be taking executive action in response to several recent mass shootings. One of the orders directed the Justice Department to publish model red flag legislation for states that want to enact such policy.
Hours later, states were given Exhibit #1 of how little help such a law will be.
Chad D. Baus served as Buckeye Firearms Association Secretary from 2013-2019, and continues to serve on the Board of Directors. He is co-founder of BFA-PAC, and served as its Vice Chairman for 15 years. He is the editor of BuckeyeFirearms.org, which received the Outdoor Writers of Ohio 2013 Supporting Member Award for Best Website, and is also an NRA-certified firearms instructor.
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