President of Obama's fake gun group admits partisan origins at poorly-attended rally
The president of faux gun group American Hunters and Shooters Association (AHSA), Ray Schoenke, appeared in Coshocton Tuesday before what is described by the Zanesville Times-Recorder as a "strong showing by the United Mine Workers Association".
In fact, the newspaper reveals only about "a dozen people listened to him speak," turnout which does an excellent job of demonstrating the lack of support former Joyce Foundation board member Obama is receiving from Ohio gun owners.
The poorly-attended rally did offer something to gun owners, however.
On its website, right after listing several organizational "values" that would make the anti-gun Brady Campaign proud, AHSA claims to be "a non-partisan organization that advocates and advances sensible public policies." (emphasis added)
But on this, his second trip to Ohio to campaign for Barack Obama, Schoenke admitted the organization is anything BUT non-partisan.
In 2005, John Lott posted a story (sourcing another weblog) about the launch of AHSA, and about the strong appearance of ties to the Democrat Leadership Council (DLC).
While AHSA has, as recently as last month, claimed the fact that they originally shared the same street address with the DLC, that their domain name registry was originally registered by DCS - Internet Advocacy Group, also at the same street address, and that their original press person was Dan Drummond, Chairman of the Fairfax City (VA) Democratic Committee, were all coincidences, Schoenke has finally admitted the truth:
AHSA is an organization for liberal Democrats.
From the Zanesville Times-Recorder:
"I've always been amazed that Democrats have never had a gun rights organization," Schoenke said. "I always thought there must be millions of Democrats that owned guns, there must be liberals that own guns and moderates that own guns and independents."
(UPDATE: Schoenke made similar comments at a Jackson, OH rally, admitting that AHSA was founded not to get pro-gun candidates elected, but rather that it was founded to help Democrats get elected. And judging by the photo which accompanies the story, that rally was just as poorly-attended.)
While truly pro-gun organizations like the National Rifle Association (NRA) and Buckeye Firearms Association endorse pro-gun candidates regardless of party, you've now heard it from the horse's mouth:
AHSA is an organization for liberal Democrats.
There is nothing on the AHSA website about the economy or global warming, but that seems to be all Schoenke wants to talk about.
"On the gun issue neither one is going to take the guns away, either McCain or Barack. On conservation Barack is ahead. On the economy Barack is way ahead," Schoenke said.
Schoenke's comments mirror radio advertisements AHSA is running in Ohio, in which Schoenke asks pro-gun voters to ignore Obama's extensive anti-gun record and prostitute our Second Amendment rights for hope of a better paycheck.
In a separate statement posted on AHSA's website, entitled Hunters and shooters give the NRA an "F", Schoenke reveals how his organization truly evaluates candidates - and it has nothing to do with guns:
"Over the weekend, the National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund released its 2008 candidate ratings. My organization, American Hunters and Shooters Association (ASHA), did an analysis of the grades and endorsements, which show that the NRA continues to overwhelmingly support Members of Congress who have terrible records when it comes to protecting the environment."
Like faux "lifelong Republican" hunter Tony Dean, Schoenke and labor unions like the AFL-CIO, Ohio State Building Trades and United Mine Workers Association believe your gun rights for sale.
Are you willing to prostitute the Second Amendment? Or will you vote freedom first?
Chad D. Baus is the Buckeye Firearms Association Vice Chairman.
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