Buckeye Firearms Association Named CCRKBA 2019 Organization of the Year
During the 2019 Gun Rights Policy Conference, September 21-22, Second Amendment Foundation Founder Alan Gottleib presented Buckeye Firearms Association (BFA) leaders with the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms 2019 Affiliated Organization of the Year Award "in recognition of the tireless hard work and dedication to the preservation of the individual right to keep and bear arms by its members."
Gottleib also presented BFA Chairman Jim Irvine with the Second Amendment Foundation 2019 Distinguished Service Award.
Standing in front of an overflow crowd of more than 1,000 gun rights activists who had gathered in Phoenix, AZ, Gottleib praised BFA for going above and beyond in their efforts to fight for Second Amendment rights in Ohio and frequently in other states around the U.S.
Buckeye Firearms Association serves as the flagship of a massive grassroots effort to defend and advance the right of more than 4 million Ohio citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. BFA works to pass pro-gun legislation, educate the public through ongoing media relations, provide high-quality firearm classes, and make available a wide variety of resources for gun owners.
Buckeye Firearms Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization that seeks to extend BFA's core mission through youth shooting programs; grants for worthy organizations, young competitors, and sporting and hunting programs; and education, including our cutting-edge FASTER Saves Lives Program that has spent well over a million dollars training teachers and staff to stop lethal threats at school and provide life-saving trauma care.
In addition, the Foundation funds legal defense to defend gun owners against infringement of rights and litigation to force local governments and other entities to comply with Ohio gun laws. The most recent addition to the Foundation is the Ken Hanson Constitutional Law Scholarship to support young law students who wish to focus on Constitutional Law, especially in matters of the Second Amendment.
Buckeye Firearms Association PAC seeks to empower voters by grading, endorsing, and supporting candidates on the city, county, and state level, including mayors, sheriffs, legislators, governor, and other races. The Endorsement Committee grades candidates based exclusively on their support for gun rights and issues endorsements for those who have demonstrated this support through votes and real-world action on behalf of gun owners. These grades and endorsements are summarized in the Ohio Pro-Gun Voter Guide.
The PAC also provides endorsees with volunteer support, fundraising assistance, consultation, event speakers, and targeted email alerts to help them win elections.
Buckeye Firearms Association is humbled by the professional recognition they have received over the years and sees each award as a challenge to continue fighting for the rights of law-abiding gun owners. Here are some of the other awards and honors presented to BFA and its leaders:
- 2005 - U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance Patriot Award
- 2007 - CCRKBA Grassroots Organization of the Year
- 2007 - League of Ohio Sportsmen/Ohio Wildlife Federation Hunter Educator of the Year
- 2007 - NRA-ILA Volunteer Organization of the Year
- 2008 - NRA-ILA Defender of Justice Award
- 2009 - NRA Sybil Ludington Women's Freedom Award
- 2009 - NRA-ILA Jay M. Littlefield Volunteer of the Year
- 2010 - National Wild Turkey Federation/Women in the Outdoors Hunter Education Instructor of the Year
- 2010 - NRA-ILA Jay M. Littlefield Volunteer of the Year
- 2011 - Linda Walker elected to NRA Board of Directors
- 2011 - CCRKBA Grassroots Organization of the Year
- 2011 - NRA Top 10 Recruiter - 5th Place
- 2011 - NRA-ILA Jay M. Littlefield Volunteer of the Year
- 2012 - CCRKBA Gun Rights Defender of the Year
- 2012 - NRA Top 10 Recruiter - 3rd Place
- 2013 - Foundation named #1 NRA Recruiter, breaks record
- 2013 - NRA Foundation Volunteer of the Year Award
- 2013 - Outdoor Writers of Ohio Supporting Member Award for Best Website
- 2015 - SAF Defender of Freedom Award
- 2015 - Sean Maloney elected to NRA Board of Directors
- 2016 - NRA-ILA Defender of Justice Lifetime Achievement Award
- 2017 - CCRKBA Grassroots Organization of the Year
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